concert #37: double finger @ music on the river city park | 07/07/2022

“doppelfinger” came, saw and hugged us with his music in the city park.

Two birds with one stone: I really wanted to go to the fantastic concert series “Musik am Fluss” once more and I really wanted the hyped musician “doppelfinger” see. what a good thing that doppelfinger gave a concert that thursday evening as part of music on the river. so i was on my way.

It was the beginning/middle of July, but a cool wind was blowing and I wasn’t wearing enough (it was summer). “doppelfinger” and his fellow musicians were better equipped and had long-sleeved clothing. but before the concert started, we were allowed to listen to a short presentation by the party that organized this concert series. admittedly, i understand that you wanted to spread your message in this context, but the message was somehow misplaced – “do more for the residents of the first district” they said, while probably people with precarious jobs were sitting in this park and from apartments can only dream in the first district. i took a strong sip of my coke and tried to forget what i heard. i was there because of the music, not because of rather unworldly messages.

at some point it started: the guitars were played very gently, the first melodies were sung very gently. everything was soft, almost a little too soft. the wind whistled around our ears and sometimes carried the melodies elsewhere than to our hearing organs. I moved closer with my deck chair to get more information. the fellow musician from “doppelfinger” took over the (very funny) announcements because he was really talented at it. “doppelfinger” kept trying to say something, but somehow he mightn’t think of much. prefer to concentrate on the music – he was really good at that.

some songs were really little super hits – the choruses seemed big, the music was almost like a hug. sometimes I even forgot how cold I actually was. in some places i missed the melodies, the poppy, catchy and, above all, engaging melodies. but maybe that’s what’s so special regarding doppelfinger – that he’s not the new German-speaking pop prince, but that he values ​​bulky, independent elements that only catch your eye when you listen to them several times. maybe that was my mistake: i hadn’t really heard his music before, i wanted to be carried away by his live qualities. but live it maybe needs a touch more pop to pick up the listener.

as already mentioned, i really liked the fellow musicians from doppelfinger. sometimes he also accompanied on the guitar, sometimes on the keyboard, then once more on a kind of banjo. he added small highlights to the acoustic music of double finger and i found that exciting and refreshing (besides the temperatures).

towards the end i gave up: i was bitterly cold and i went home during the penultimate or last song. I will definitely watch “doppelfinger” live once more, but next time with more preparation and more knowledge of his music. i think his music grows when you get involved with it and i really want to experience this next time. until then!




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