ANSES and Ifremer strengthen their collaboration on contaminants in fishery products and the health of fish and molluscs | handles

In view of the complementarity of their missions and their actions on the epidemiological surveillance of shellfish and fish and in terms of consumer safety, Ifremer and ANSES wished to strengthen their collaboration for better coordination of research programs and expertise work and for the sharing of skills and resources.

The signing of a framework partnership agreement therefore enables Ifremer and ANSES to combine their skills in areas with high stakes in terms of health:

  • biotoxines marines ;
  • metallic trace elements in fishery products;
  • aquatic bacteria, parasites, viruses of public health interest;
  • microplastics;
  • fish and shellfish health.

These enhanced collaborations will result in particular in the joint carrying out of studies or expert appraisals, the design and implementation of research projects, with the possibility of joint financing of thesis subjects, the exchange of good practices and the work in common for the definition of reference or monitoring methodologies, the production and provision of data and biological materials.

In terms of expertise, the scientific staff of the two organizations are encouraged to take part in the expert bodies and working groups that they lead as part of their missions.



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