ANSES and INRA renew their collaboration for five years | handles

As a national research body, the INRA’s mission is to organise, carry out and promote all research relating to the field defined by food, agriculture and the environment. The spectrum of disciplines mobilized by the INRA falls within the life sciences, engineering and environmental sciences, as well as economic and social sciences. Its missions are to produce and disseminate scientific knowledge, to help design innovations and know-how for society, to inform, through its expertise, the decisions of public and private actors, to train in research and research, to develop scientific and technical culture and to participate in science-society debates.

ANSES’s central role is to assess health risks in order to inform public action in the fields of food, the environment, work, animal health and welfare and plant health. Through its missions of expertise, research, monitoring and surveillance, evaluates in a global and transversal way all the risks (microbiological, physical or chemical) to which an individual can be exposed, voluntarily or not, at all times of his life. Its opinions and recommendations, which are systematically made public, help to clarify decisions and fuel public debate.



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