fishermen are rescued in Lake Collón Curá, near Piedra del Águila

The fishing experience of four men who had to be rescued this Saturday following being shipwrecked in Lake Collón Curá, it will be hard to forget. the event occurred near Piedra del Águila and ended up with luckdespite the fact that following being removed from the water they presented beginning of hypothermia.

The rescue operation lasted several hours and was carried out by the Neuquén Police, who contacted the situation when a man appeared at the Collón Curá Transit Post. in the late hours of Friday. There, she gave notice of the shipwreck of his three fishing companions, all older men commuting in a boat that had suffered serious damage following being buffeted by the wind once morest a cliff.

The fishermen who had been left in the water They were crew members aged 68, 71 and 82, and in his testimony to the Police, the man who was able to give notice explained that the oldest in the group was a person with reduced mobility.

A police commission was immediately formed, made up of personnel from the Collón Curá Transit Post, Piedra del Águila 8th Police Station and the Transit Division of that town, who were able to make contact with the men at 1 in the morning despite the poor visibility. . They were regarding 15 kilometers from the police post.

Fortunately, they all had life jackets and that is why they were able to stay afloat until they were assisted. All three people were in good health.However, they presented symptoms of hypothermia since they did not have adequate clothing for the water and low temperatures.

Ranger staff assisted the men with coats and then they were transferred to the police post to receive the first care by professionals from the Piedra del Águila Hospital.

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