The sun at the rendezvous of the well-being day in Céret

Cozy atmosphere, whispers, calm and measured gestures, the workshops offered last Sunday by the Local Exchange System (SEL) kept their promises: to bring well-being and relaxation to those who abandoned themselves to the good care of experienced facilitators. In the large room of the Mas de Nogarède, spaces had been delimited by screens and white sheets, intimate and warm cocoons to benefit from the natural techniques acting on the body and the spirit. Fasciatherapy, plantar reflexology, naturopathy, pedicure, metamorphic massages, collective sessions of breathing methods and yoga, qi gong, followers, regulars or newcomers, were able to enjoy the benefits of these practices. Grandmothers’ Day and the cavalcade certainly reduced the number of participants, but a good atmosphere presided over this day. The shared meal, flowery salads and various vegetables, accompanied by a wild boar terrine from Taillet and a few notes of harmonica, was taken outside as the temperature was pleasant.

The SEL is part of the perspective of an alternative to the current economic system. Its origin dates back to the war years of the last century, the oldest coming from Ariège. In Vallespir, the currency of exchange is the sun, corresponding to one hour of service at approximately twelve euros. The collegiate association has an office of five members and nearly 80 members. Activities are organized regularly, culminating in the big party in June at Can Bacou. SEL wants to be a transition towards a fairer society, respectful of human beings and the environment, banishing any ideological interest or ambition, where “meeting the other is worth all the gold in the world.”



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