ANDE signed a loan contract with Fonplata to build a power transmission line to the Paraguayan Chaco

Asunción, IP Agency.- The National Electricity Administration (ANDE) signed a loan contract with the Development Bank (Fonplata) for the construction of the 220 kV Villa Hayes – Villa Real – Pozo Colorado- Loma Plata transmission line and the Pozo Colorado substation, in the Lower Paraguayan Chaco.

The document was signed by the Executive President of the Development Bank, Luciana Botafogo, together with the President of the National Electricity Administration of Paraguay (ANDE), Félix Sosa.

During the event, held at the Bank’s headquarters in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Botafogo thanked the trust in Fonpla, pointed out the commitment that ANDE has for the development of the Paraguayan people and added that it is the Bank’s wish to accompany this master plan since access to electricity is considered essential as a way to improve the quality of life.

Since 2018, Fonplata has been working together with ANDE in the fulfillment of its objectives. The first approved project, currently in execution, is the “Construction of a Transformation Substation and Power Transmission Lines in the town of Valenzuela.”

For his part, Sosa explained that currently more than 99% of the Paraguayan population has access to electricity and stressed that the support for these projects by Fonplata implies emblematic works to continue and complete the expansion and strengthening of the infrastructure. transmission of the national energy grid.

In this sense, he stressed that the Valenzuela Substation will be the most important in Paraguay and that the loan for the Paraguayan Chaco region is essential for the productive and sustainable development of irrigated agriculture.

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The new project has a total investment of 126 million dollars, of which 45 million dollars are financed by Fonplata and the rest by local contribution.

With large-scale infrastructure works, the project “Construction of the 220kV Villa Hayes – Villa Real – Pozo Colorado- Loma Plata Transmission Line and the 220 kV Pozo Colorado Substation in the Western Region” aims to increase the capacity of the North and West Transmission System and part of the Paraguayan Lower Chaco Distribution System.

Specifically, it foresees the construction of the 220 kV transmission line, the Pozo Colorado Substation and the construction of four new feeders, in order to accompany the growth of projected demand in the area and guarantee the supply of electrical energy with reliability and security. contributing to the socioeconomic development of the population.

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