Gynecologist Arutyunova told how the birth of weather affects a woman’s health

Time to come to your senses

Let’s talk regarding how the recovery process goes. Rehabilitation of women following childbirth is necessary and extremely important, it helps a woman to adapt following childbirth and improves the quality of life. An integrated approach to postpartum rehabilitation can be more effective than a single problem and its solution.

The sooner postpartum recovery begins, the more effective it will be. Most women who have given birth to the question of what is the most difficult day of motherhood answer: day of discharge from the hospital.

Therefore, it is very important that it is at the outpatient stage, following discharge, that a woman be under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as other specialists, a psychologist, an expert in breastfeeding, and a chiropractor. The psychological state of the puerperal in the postpartum period is important not only for the mother herself, but also for the newborn baby

In addition, in the first 2 months, a woman needs the help of a kinesiotherapist, a rehabilitation doctor, and a physiotherapist.

After 2-3 months, you need the help of a sexologist, a plan to restore the muscles of the pelvic floor with conservative methods, and if there is no effect, surgical treatment.

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