Pope Francis calls for defense of women’s rights

The pontiff warns once morest discrimination that women are victims of violence and abuse, they are often exploited and are often underpaid.

During an audience at the Vatican, Pope Francis called for the defense of women’s rights worldwide. Women are victims of violence and abuse, they are often exploited and are often underpaid. “We must strongly denounce the injustices that women are subjected to, often in an environment that deprives them of any opportunity to defend themselves,” stressed the Holy Father.

Francis lamented that many women are fired from their employers when they are pregnant. The pontiff received the members of the “Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice” Foundation and the “Strategic Alliance of Catholic Research Universities” (Sacru) in the Vatican on the occasion of the presentation of the work: “More Female Leadership for a Better World”.

“In the volume we talk regarding the problem of discrimination, which often affects women, as well as other vulnerable categories of society. I have repeatedly reminded insistently that diversity must never lead to inequality, but rather to a grateful and mutual welcome “said Francis.

“No one should be left out: this is a sacred principle. The Creator God’s project is indeed an essentially inclusive project that puts the very inhabitants of the existential peripheries at the centre,” said the Pope.




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