Temporary state aid to the horticulture sector will be provided this year as well

The Ministry of Agriculture is preparing to extend the deadline for providing aid to the horticultural sector, which has experienced difficulties in the apple market for processing due to Russia’s war once morest Ukraine.

Last year, the European Commission approved a state aid measure under which companies operating in the horticulture sector might receive direct grants. The objective of the scheme is to support the liquidity needs of eligible beneficiaries and help them overcome financial difficulties related to the increase in energy and other basic resource prices due to the current crisis. 2 million was allocated to the approved temporary state aid measure. Eur Lithuanian budget funds.

After preparation by the Ministry of Agriculture Rules for the administration of temporary state aid to the horticulture sector, the support was intended for those who declared at least 5 ha of apple orchards in 2022. The amount of aid is EUR 400/ha of declared apple orchards.

A relatively short period of time was set for submission of support requests and not all growers had time to do so. Therefore, the Ministry intends to extend the deadline for the provision of assistance until in 2023 June 30 (previously it was until December 31, 2022) for those who for some reason might not or did not have time to submit applications last year. Support will not be provided to those who have already received such support.

Changed by order of the Minister In the rules for the administration of temporary state aid to the horticulture sector the amount of aid is provided, the requirements that must be met by apple growers who want to receive aid, and the conditions that must be met in order to receive temporary aid are specified. The rules also set out the application procedure and aid administration procedures.

The rules will soon be placed on the Legislation Information System for public consultation.

Information from the Ministry of Agriculture



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