How Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared is one of the biggest investigations of all time in world history. The plane disappeared on March 8, 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The investigation that started then is still ongoing. Where did such a big plane go? No technical evidence has been found yet. However, in 2018, parts believed to belong to the plane were found in the sea near Madagascar. But no major parts have been found or the crash site identified. In a documentary now on Netflix, researcher Cindy Henty comes up with some revelations regarding the missing plane.
∙ MH 370: The Plane That Disappeared
The documentary is titled MH370: The Plane That Disappeared. Cindy, a volunteer satellite researcher, hypothesizes that MH370 may have crashed thousands of miles away from the current search. Cindy was a researcher at Tomnod, a satellite imagery company. Within days of the plane’s disappearance, they said they saw what appeared to be wreckage in the South China Sea. Cindy says her findings were ignored at the time. Because it was widely believed at the time that the plane had crashed in the Indian Ocean, they say.
∙ Cindy said she saw ‘M’ clearly
Cindy’s revelation comes nine years following the plane disappeared. She says she clearly remembers seeing M in the parts she saw in the water. They say it is the same as the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flight. Cindy alleges that there is evidence that the plane disappeared in the South China Sea, which authorities have repeatedly dismissed.
∙ Black, black, black.. finally white
Cindy says she felt the need to do something when she saw the grief of the family members of the passengers on this flight. His hobby is photography. The researcher also claims that she has an eye for detail. Cindy, a Florida native, says she thought it would make her famous by looking at satellite images and trying to figure out where the plane had gone. Cindy was given the satellite images to review by Tomnod, a crowdsourcing company. All those pictures were empty. All of them are just the blackness of the sea. The story is the same even in the next film. It’s black. So Cindy says she finally saw a frame with something white on it.
∙ The claim may be true
Cindy says she saw a mass of white in the South China Sea near Vietnam. Analysts think this is likely to be true. Because it was in this area that flight MH370 disappeared from the radar screen. Cindy says she collected schematics of the missing Boeing 777 from the Internet and was able to identify the plane’s nose cone. She says she said to herself, ‘Here’s the wreckage…here’s the plane.’ She says that she immediately started seeing other parts, including the fuselage and the tail.
∙ The Malaysian company rejected Cindy’s claim
Cindy says she was able to confirm that what she found was the wreckage of the missing plane. Cindy says she approached the plane’s investigators and Malaysia Airlines with this discovery. But both parties repeatedly dismissed Cindy’s claims. She says that she has evidence that the plane crashed in the South China Sea and following further search, more parts were found in the sea and she feels certain that the plane crashed there. Cindy also says that MH370 crashed near Vietnam. Cindy alleges that she called many people to tell her how she kept finding the remains, but no one listened to her.
∙ Data from the British company Immersat
Malaysian investigators investigating the plane’s disappearance had a reason to end their search in the South China Sea. The British company Inmarsat released data showing that the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean, the reason Malaysian investigators backed off. The plane, which took off from Kuala Lumpur, disappeared following an hour of flight. No one heard anything regarding it.
∙ Cindy is a breast cancer survivor
With the Netflix documentary gaining attention, the search for Cindy’s whereregardings began. They still live in Cape Coral, Florida, reports The Cinemaholic. Currently working in criminal customer service. He indulges in his hobby of photography with great interest. According to the report, Ryavar is a survivor of breast cancer.
English Summary: Netflix’s ‘MH370: The Plane That Disappeared’ chronicles how Malaysian Airlines MH370