Óscar Gangas accuses Claudio Reyes of hitting “Jajá” Calderón hard for imitating Boric | TV and show

In dialogue with the program “Follow me and I follow you”, Óscar Gangas assured that Claudio Reyes hit the comedian Juan Luis “Jajá” Calderón following a soccer game. “We thought it was an act, an exaggeration of his violence (…). We were all shocked,” he said.

Yesterday Friday, in the program “Follow me and I follow you” from TV+, the comedian oscar bargains assured that claudio reyes he hit his colleague hard Juan Luis “Haha” Calderon following he performed an imitation of Gabriel Boric.

According to Gangas, the situation occurred on Thursday night at a social gathering of comedians, where “Jajá” would have spontaneously imitated the president to the chagrin of the actor behind Charly Badulaque.

“I saw him unravel. I don’t know if it’s a matter of diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, I don’t know. This compadre’s cables got crossed; he broke loose, stopped violently,” he said.

According to Gangas, that was when Reyes suddenly hit Calderón. “He got hit by a charchazo (…). We thought it was an act, an exaggeration of his violence, that’s how we saw it. And he hits her like a cachamal and then he earns two combos, one in the eye ”he commented.

“It was very surprising. We thought it was part of a dynamic, a joke, a ‘hey cut it out with the president’ (…). I think that Mr. ‘King Badulaque’ needs treatment,” he added.

According to Gangas, the group was not drinking alcohol. “We are all old people over 60, and we all like the hot tea with a hot tortilla that they prepare there,” he pointed out.

“Claudio Reyes does not drink. Gigi Martin doesn’t drink. I haven’t drunk for 6 years, I haven’t even had non-alcoholic beer… It’s not a fight or a drunken brawl. It’s a fight between friends who were playing ball. We tied 3 with the people from Melipilla who were from the opposite team, ”he explained.

“We were in tremendous pain. Haha began to cry outside, leaned on my shoulder… It’s making me very sad to remember it, and it’s making me want to cry. Because it was a matter that nobody expected,” continued Gangas, who ruled out that Reyes had apologized, at least on the spot, to the comedian.

“In the box there is flyweight, lightweight, heavyweight. And here it is a fight between a heavyweight and a flyweight. Reyes is big, he is tall, he is campy, he is violent, we know he is violent,” he said. “There are 15 witnesses.”he assured.

Already at the end of his speech, Gangas said that he made contact with Jajá on Friday, concerned regarding his situation: “I told him: these are issues that happen, what are we going to do, haha. We were all shocked”.



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