The urgency of the crisis in Rosario clashes with the times of politics

The Chamber of Deputies this week focused on the security crisis that afflicts the city of Rosario, and although there were positive gestures from both sides of the crack, the truth is that the effects of parliamentary work might only be seen in a term of not less than two years, in accordance with political and judicial times.

Last Wednesday, the commission’s opinion was obtained on the project to strengthen the federal justice of Santa Fe. It is an initiative that the 19 deputies of the province presented together to advance in the creation of multiple judicial positions, including new federal prosecutor’s offices in Rosario, three in Santa Fe and one in Rafaela. The project also has the support of Governor Omar Perotti and the senators from Santa Fe. “For the criminal prosecution of this situation, we need a strengthened Federal Justice, which can resolve quickly, investigate and convict,” said FdT deputy Roberto Mirabella, close to Perotti. After passing through the Justice and Criminal Legislation commissions, the issue must be dealt with by the Budget Commission to only later enter the long list of issues that fight for its treatment in the compound.

Judicial decision in favor of the Judge in his dispute in the Magistracy

The electoral year plus the history of laws approved in Congress during the last three months are not very auspicious factors for a regulation that is urgent and must also go through the Senate. Once it is regulated by the Executive, the law must begin to go through the judicial paths with the procedure that starts in the Council of the Magistracy with the selection of shortlists, the passage through the Executive Power for the election of a candidate and once more the passage through Congress to fill the vacancies, which allows us to conclude that all this path will not happen before Alberto Fernández finishes his term.

Simultaneously, from Santa Fe, the pressure for the constitution of the Bicameral Commission for the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Code is advancing, a journey that is largely interrupted by the decision of Cristina Kirchner.

everyone’s responsibility

The head of the bloc of deputies of the Frente de Todos, Germán Martínez, was in favor of recovering the stable work rhythm both in commissions and in the sessions in the lower house.

“You have to make short agendas that allow us to have the greatest possible consensus and try to return to the rhythm we had in 2022, when we did two or sometimes three sessions per month. For that, it is not only necessary for the official bloc, but also for the opposition”, he said.

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