Helping our glycemic balance

It is well known that the number of people affected by problems related to blood sugar regulation only grows. The factors are multiple, including, in the first place, the way we eat (processed, refined, caloric food, devoid of an adequate quantity of trace elements, minerals and vitamins, etc.). If attention is to be given priority to rearrangement of mealsthe use of supplementation can also have its place.

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First, the spices

Thus, the seeds of fenugreek (Trigonella fenunum)a plant of the herbaceous family, are able by the presence fiber and saponin, exercise support blood sugar regulation. In addition, the precious seeds also contain an amino acid that is only found in this plant, la 4-hydroxy-isoleucinewhich stimulates the production of insulin, the master hormone in lowering blood sugar.

A much better known spice,cinnamon bark, is also worthy of interest in this therapeutic aim. Many studies show an impact of cinnamon consumption on blood sugar, both on an empty stomach and following a meal. How ? Cinnamon contains compounds, like polymeric methyl hydroxychalcone, which increase the insulin sensitivity of cells. In other words, with the same amount of insulin received, our cells are able to store more glucose, thus lowering blood sugar without requiring the pancreas to exert additional effort. Furthermore, cinnamon bark is very strongly antioxidantcausing by this antiradical facet a preventive protection, since the low consumption of antioxidants is associated with increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Then the trace element

Finally, the chrome, this trace element essential for glucose metabolism, because it potentiates the action of insulin by two mechanisms. It optimizes the way insulin will bind to cell receptors, facilitating the cellular penetration of glucose, therefore lowering blood sugar, and it increases the amount of insulin receptors on the surface of cells.

This synergy provides the body with support in its management of glycemic balance by multiplying cellular insulin receptors, improving the action of insulin, and avoiding the pancreas having to provide additional effort because it saves him the need for an excess of secretion.



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