Mrs. Awa Nana-Daboya updates the declaration of her property and assets

The President of the Constitutional Court receiving the amended declaration

On March 9, 2023, the Mediator of the Republic, Mrs. Awa Nana-Daboya, made the amending declaration of her property and assets before the Constitutional Court in Lomé during a solemn session chaired by the President of this Court, Aboudou Assouma.

Indeed, with regard to the organic law n ° 2020-003 of January 24, 2020 fixing the conditions of declaration of goods and assets of high personalities, senior officials and other taxable persons stipulates, in its article 3, the declaration of goods and assets dignitaries and other public officials is made at the beginning and at the end of their mandates or functions. It is compulsorily renewed each year, on the anniversary date, between the beginning and the end of the mandate or functions.

Following the procedure provided for by this organic law, Mrs. Awa Nana-Daboya thus indicated, among other elements, her complete civil status, her Togolese nationality or her other nationalities, if applicable, her matrimonial regime and her functions exercised, her gross annual income related to the mandate or to the position occupied, as well as those coming from all other sources in Togo or abroad.

As a reminder, the Mediator of the French Republic had already declared his property and assets on January 24, 2022 before the Constitutional Court.

Under the provisions of Organic Law 2021-013 of July 1, 2021 as amended, representatives of the executive, legislative and judicial powers, members of institutions of the Republic and administrative authorities are subject to the obligation to declare property and assets. independent organizations, local elected officials, political and military authorities as well as all civil servants involved in the management of public funds.

The declaration process opened on 1is last March, aims in particular to promote transparency in the exercise of public functions, to guarantee the integrity, honesty and probity of State servants. It is also a question of preventing illicit enrichment among high personalities and senior civil servants.

david s.



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