Brussels: evacuation of asylum seekers present in the former Kaai alley

The police in the Brussels-Ixelles area proceeded, this Friday followingnoon, to the expulsion of around sixty asylum seekers settled in the former Allée du Kaaï, avenue du Port. Most occupied tents along the canal, opposite the Fedasil center at Petit Château, before it was dismantled a week ago.

Friday’s deportation was originally scheduled to take place on Monday, asylum seeker support groups said. But this was finally brought forward.

In a press releasethe citizen support group says it deplores the eviction”in the absence of satisfactory rehousing measures for all concerned. The regional authorities claim that some of the former occupants of the canal camp who were not relocated last Tuesday will be well taken care of by Fedasil. In all, it would be regarding fifteen people staying at the avenue du Port. Some places would also be available at the Samu Social, but the majority of people will nevertheless be expelled without solution, thus forcing them to join the hundreds of asylum seekers already on the street.

This will be the third eviction in a few months

For some of them, the support group adds, “this will be the third eviction in a few months. The citizen support group demands a permanent accommodation solution for all asylum seekers who have found refuge on Avenue du Port. In addition, they denounce an expulsion on the pretext of insalubrity. Although precarious, the living conditions in the building are much better than on the street.”

For this volunteer, the expelled people come mainly from Afghanistan, Palestine, Eritrea but also from Guinea. “These are people registered with Fedasil, who are waiting for an interview and who cannot yet be accommodated. They are in the asylum procedure, supposed to be welcomed by the Belgian State, under the conditions to have access to decent housing with care..”, adds this volunteer.

The office of the mayor of the City of Brussels, Philippe Close (PS) confirms the information and explains that the elected socialist took the decision to expel him on the basis of a note from Brussels-Environment, detailing that the occupation premises posed a danger to public safety. “A city truck will take the belongings brought by the organizations on site and bring them to the premises of Médecins sans frontières“, adds the firm. “For the moment, the City has no additional premises to offer to relocate them.“, we are told.

Asylum Agreement

In its agreement with the Brussels Region, the federal government increases by 300 the number of places it makes available for the reception of asylum seekers in the capital. This brings the total to 1,500 places in the Brussels Region, Brussels Minister-President Rudi Vervoort (PS) said on Friday.

On Thursday, the federal government, meeting in committee, completed its discussions on the crisis in the reception of asylum seekers and the reforms related to this theme.

With this first package of measures, we are taking the path of reform. Reception places will only go to those who are in an asylum procedure“, commented the Secretary of State for Asylum, Nicole de Moor. “Return cooperation will be enshrined in law, abuses will be tackled and vulnerable people are protected“.

A mandate has been given to Nicole de Moor to create 2,000 additional structural places in addition to the 8,000 already activated in recent months. Some 2,000 places will also be freed up. These new squares must avoid situations like those recently experienced in rue des Palais and in front of the Petit Château in Brussels.



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