Getting mad
Above all, keep talking, madam!
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What elegance, this Olivier Robichoneditor-in-chief of a letter, to say the least confidential, with his 2,300 subscribers in 95 pharmaceutical laboratories and 50 drug industry partners “. You understand, Health prescription-Dailysince that’s what it’s all regarding, is a periodical dedicated to and funded by players in the pharmaceutical industry and which does not mean thatIrene Frachon expresses himself. Monday, February 13, the day before the testimony of the pulmonologist at the appeal trial in thecase of the MediatorOlivier Robichon mentions in one of his publication: “ Now shut up, Madam! And all you have to do is turn the page for the message to be even more explicit, its editorial being titled: “ Madame Frachon, shut up now! » The class. So what can Olivier Robichon blame Irène Frachon for? A sentence from the interview that the pulmonologist granted on February 9 to Humanity Magazine. Being indignant at the subsidy of 800,000 euros that the State, for a time, wanted to grant to Servier laboratories last year, Irène Frachon estimated that ” it was like giving a pedophile coming out of prison a child aid grant “. According Alexandre Fache, the journalist of l’Humanité who conducted the interview with Irène Frachon, the indignant Olivier Robichon had explained to the medical press agency (APM) to have wanted to defend the victims of pedophilia and not the pharmaceutical industry. As Alexandre Fache rightly wonders: “ But how were they offended by the comparison of Irène Frachon? “While waiting to clarify – or not – this mystery, we devoted three pages of interview to the pulmonologist from Brest who does not hesitate to compare Servier to the “ biggest serial killer in the history of the French pharmaceutical industry because the business of Mediatorit is also that of theIsomerides and, before her, Weightwith norfenfluramine as a common denominator, the metabolite responsible for numerous valvulopathies and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and responsible “ worldwide, tens of thousands of deaths “. So we say: Keep talking, lady! »
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