Raynaud’s syndrome: what is cold sickness and how to fight it?

Written by
Aurelie Duhamel

On 10.03.2023 at 02:00

Modified on 10.03.2023 at 2:00 p.m.

In an episode of the show “Koh Lanta: the sacred fire”, a candidate confided that she had Raynaud’s syndrome. Also called “dead finger syndrome”, this blood circulation disorder worsens on contact with the cold.


In an episode of Koh Lanta, TF1’s flagship survival show, viewers were surprised to see Banjamin and Tania hugging when they woke up. Far from providing proof of an idyll birth between the two candidates, this embrace had a medical reason. In an interview with our colleagues from Entertainment TV, Tania says she got closer to her playing partner in order to “keep as much human warmth as possible”. Indeed, the young woman explained that she suffered from Raynaud’s disease, also called “white finger syndrome”, which affects 6% of healthy women between the ages of 25 and 40 in France, explains health insurance.

A disorder related to exposure to cold or an emotion

After exposure to cold or an emotion, it reaches the fingers of both hands (the thumb being rarely affected) then possibly the toes, nose and ears“, details the site ameli.fr. If the Raynaud syndrome does not put the life of the patients in danger, it considerably affects the quality of life. This disorder of the blood circulation is explained by the temporary contraction of the blood vessels, which deprives the tips of the fingers of the supply of blood and oxygen.This disease, characterized by impaired circulation, is not serious but has an impact on the quality of life.In addition to the cold, other factors such as exposure to humidity, emotions, stress or tobacco can promote the onset of the disease.


What treatments to slow seizures?

Reversible and painless, Raynaud’s syndrome can however be treated. As the site explains Vidal.fr, drugs (calcium channel blockers, nifedipine, prostaglandins) can be prescribed by a doctor when the disease interferes with daily life. At the same time, simple measures can help reduce the frequency of seizures, during which the fingers turn white or even blue and swollen. Quitting smoking, protecting yourself from the cold by wearing insulating gloves in winter, for example, limiting heavy loads or practicing physical activity are notably mentioned.

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