Haut-Katanga: the Archbishop of Lubumbashi demands an investigation into the recent presence of elements of the Republican Guard in his residence

In a memorandum addressed to the authorities of the institutions of the Republic, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Lubumbashi, Mgr Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, demanded the opening of an investigation and that the results thereof be made public. This development comes after the elements of the Republican Guard, about ten, according to the Catholic prelates of Lubumbashi, were seen in the enclosure of the residence of the archbishop.

Clearly, I insist that an investigation be carried out and that its results be made public. Let me be informed of the name(s) of the sponsor(s) and also the real reason for this criminal incursion”, said, this Thursday, in a memorandum addressed to the Congolese authorities, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Lubumbashi, Bishop Fulgence Muteba Mugalu.

It also demands from the authorities and public services the firm condemnation of this incursion into the episcopal residence in Lubumbashi, capital of the province of Haut-Katanga.

“The firm condemnation on the part of the established authorities of this abusive and undue military operation, the public apologies of the perpetrators of these criminal acts, exemplary sanctions against these troops who tarnish the image of our army and our country, so that such a crime does not happen again,” he added in the memorandum.

He therefore asks for guarantees of his personal safety.

» …guarantees of my personal safety and that of my personnel. In advance, in the name of my Catholic faith and as a bishop, I forgive these troops,” continues the Metropolitan Archbishop of Lubumbashi.

In this period of Lent, specifies Mgr Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, “I invite them to take advantage of this time of Lent to convert. Indeed, God does not want the death of the wicked, but rather his conversion.”

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The Archdiocese of Lubumbashi had denounced, through a press release dated Saturday, February 25, 2023, an attempted kidnapping of Monsignor Fulgence Muteba Mugalu, Archbishop of Lubumbashi. According to the Catholic prelates of Lubumbashi, a convoy of heavily armed soldiers entered the residence of the Archbishop.

The Archdiocese of Lubumbashi speaks clearly of a failed kidnapping of Bishop Fulgence Muteba Mugalu. Since then, several voices have risen to condemn this intrusion. The Republican Guard had, for this purpose, questioned the intention to harm the head of the Catholic Church. Rather, it was normal practice that intervenes for the security of political authorities who frequent churches and that such interventions should take place in other places./actuality.cd

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