Colloquium: Preventing and curing infectious diseases in the One Health concept | handles

ANSES is taking part in the symposium “Preventing and curing infectious diseases in the One Health concept”, organized in partnership with INRA, on 21 June 2018 at the Lycée Descartes in Tours.

This symposium aims to bring together the actors of human, animal and environmental health in order to bring out the reflection around the vision “One Health” around three questions:

  • what strategies, vaccine solutions and alternative routes make it possible to limit the use of medicinal inputs?
  • what innovative tools and devices make it possible to detect diseased animals (or reservoirs of infectious agents) at an early stage in order to prevent the appearance and spread of the disease within a herd (herd management, environmental reservoirs of pathogens, monitoring of territory) ?
  • what perspectives for R&D and what paths of innovation can result from these innovative approaches?

> Consult the program of the event

This One Health approach, which recognizes that human health is closely dependent on the health of animals and the environment, is at the heart of ANSES’s work.

Indeed, the Agency is, since 1is last January, in charge of coordinating the European Joint Program (EJP) “One Health”, which brings together more than 40 partners from 19 Member States. Several ANSES scientists will share their experiences and work during this symposium:

  • opening by Pascal Boireau, director of ANSES’s animal health laboratory;
  • presentation ” Understanding and managing bovine tuberculosis: from the genomic study of Mb strains circulating in France to participatory surveillance in wildlife by Maria Laura Boschiroli, from ANSES’s animal health laboratory, and Franck Biet from INRA;
  • presentation ” L’EJP One Health /Perspectives pour la R&D » by Christophe Cordevant, Anses.



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