What to eat during menopause?Nutritionist recommends 4 foods to relieve women’s menopausal symptoms

Menopause is a period that everyone must go through, especially for women. During this period, due to hormonal changes, physical and psychological discomfort will occur, such as hot flashes, night sweats, decreased bone density, insomnia, emotional sensitivity, memory loss, etc. Symptoms are unspeakable for many women.Nutritionist Ricky’s TimeRecommend 4 kinds of foods that can be supplemented and 3 kinds of foods to be avoided to help women relieve menopausal symptoms and maintain a healthy body and mind.

What to eat during menopause? Nutritionist recommends 4 foods to ease women’s menopausal symptoms (Photo/Getty Images)

1. Dairy products

Changes in estrogen during menopause will lead to a decrease in bone density. Drinking milk, yogurt, and cheese can supplement calcium. If you don’t like dairy products, you can also supplement calcium tablets.

更年期會使骨密度下降,可以透過飲食補充鈣質。(圖/Getty Images)

Menopause will reduce bone density, and calcium can be supplemented through diet. (Photo/Getty Images)

2. Salmon

In addition to vitamin D, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can promote the secretion of the prostate gland, which can then be converted into gonadal hormones needed by the human body, and relieve symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. Taking more deep-sea fish can improve menopausal symptoms, prevent arteriosclerosis, and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

鮭魚有維他命D,還富含omega-3脂肪酸,能減緩熱潮紅及盜汗症狀。(圖/Getty Images)

Salmon contains vitamin D and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce hot flashes and night sweats. (Photo/Getty Images)

3. Soybeans

Soy isoflavones in soybeans, a natural phytoestrogens food, can reduce the frequency of hot flashes caused by menopause. It is recommended that women in menopause take 2 to 3 servings of soy products a day, and women aged 35 to 45 take 1 serving per day, including soy milk, tofu, dried tofu, and miso soup, all of which are optional soy products.

黃豆、豆漿、豆腐等豆製品,可以減少更年期產生的潮熱頻率。(圖/Getty Images)

Soy products such as soybeans, soy milk, and tofu can reduce the frequency of hot flashes during menopause. (Photo/Getty Images)

4. water

Menopausal hot flashes will cause sweating symptoms, so you need to pay more attention to replenishing enough water for the body, which can also achieve the effect of weight control.

更年期會有熱潮紅的出汗症狀,讓身體補充足夠水分相當重要。(圖/Getty Images)

During menopause, there will be hot flashes and sweating symptoms, so it is very important to replenish the body with enough water. (Photo/Getty Images)

In addition, there are some foods that need to be paid attention to during menopause, so as not to make symptoms worse:

1. Refined starch

Refined starch often adds too much sugar during processing, which can easily increase blood sugar and increase the frequency of hot flashes. For baked foods such as bread and biscuits, be sure to read the nutrition labels and ingredients before eating.

2. Wine

Studies have shown that although alcohol does not increase the frequency of hot flashes, it can increase the severity of symptoms. And some people will also affect the quality of sleep due to alcohol. If you have insomnia among the menopausal symptoms, you should avoid drinking it.

3. High-sodium foods

The higher the sodium content, the lower the bone density. Common foods such as oden, canned food, noodles, jelly, chocolate, etc., should be eaten as little as possible.

further reading

Hair loss is full of combs!How to Reverse the Top Crisis of Menopause in Females

Can’t eat ice during menstrual period? Pregnant women can’t retrain?Obstetrics and Gynecology Myths Cracked

Responsible editor / Liao Jinghan



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