Five natural drinks to combat constipation and improve intestinal transit

Constipation is one of those conditions that is usually treated with medicines that can be easily found in any pharmacy. However, it is also possible to counter with natural drinks, but these must have the authorization of a health professional.

Before delving into these juices, it is relevant to know this condition well. Constipation is an illness in which a person may have fewer than three bowel movements a week, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), which is part of the National Institutes of Diabetes of Health of the United States.

According to the same institute, with this condition there can also be hard, dry or lumpy stools, difficulty or pain to evacuate and a feeling that the evacuation was not complete.

This condition can be occasional, but in some people it can be chronic, making many of your daily activities difficult. In addition, with the passing of the years it is necessary to go more frequently to check-ups, because with age there are difficulties to go to the bathroom.

Now, as stated above, There are some drinks that can be consumed to combat constipation and improve intestinal transit. And, once a specialist in the subject authorizes them, according to the portal health 180these are:

1. Aloe vera juice. “It is considered one of the most functional medicinal herbs, used by the food industry in beverages recommended to improve digestive disorders, including constipation. Thanks to its active ingredient, anthraquinone glucosides and aloin, aloe vera offers a laxative effect”, the website begins by explaining.

2. Pear juice. “The pear is a fruit with a high pectin content, given its ability to absorb water, it favors intestinal work, facilitating the evacuation of feces, according to information from Colorado State University. For this reason, the concentrated fruit in juice helps to combat constipation”.

3. Tamarind water. “In addition to being an important source of fiber (8% of which 50% is soluble), tamarind has tartaric and malic acid, ideal for curing constipation due to its laxative effects,” explains a study by Institute of Technology-Pharmacy from India. To prepare the drink, let the tamarind rest or boil it in water. For greater benefits, drink a glass of this water in the morning before breakfast.

5. Prune juice. “Due to its high fiber content, prune juice improves intestinal function. A study published in The Internet Journal of Nutrition and Wellness confirms that drinking a glass of this drink, before a meal for 14 days, relieves the symptoms of chronic constipation. Softer stools are observed and it provides immediate relief in the first 24 hours of first consumption”points out the site.

In the same way, it is necessary to emphasize that just as there are appropriate foods to combat constipation, there are others that should not be eaten when suffering from this condition and these are, for example, white rice, red meat, French fries, salt, among others.

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