Business is bad due to the epidemic, and the proprietress is flustered. Doctor: Don’t let menopause bother you | Taiwan Good News TaiwanHot

On International Women’s Day, Shuanghe Hospital appeals to female friends to take care of their bodies in addition to busy work and family, especially female friends who are approaching menopause. Su Mingxuan, an attending physician in the obstetrics and gynecology department of Shuanghe Hospital, pointed out that menopausal symptoms are often ignored. Recently, I met a 50-year-old proprietress in the clinic. Because the epidemic affected the family business, she was relatively depressed. During the day, she often had disputes with her family and suffered from palpitations. Night sweats and light sleep made her unable to rest and recover. Although she was worried about hormone therapy, after fully discussing with her and receiving short-term hormone supplementation, she was full of energy when she returned to the clinic.

According to Taiwan menopausal women’s health management and drug treatment recommendations, female menopause refers to the transition of women from fertility to infertility, which is a necessary stage for female friends; due to the decrease of estrogen, the hypothalamic blood vessels in the brain relax Insomnia, night sweats, hot flashes, heart palpitations, etc.; lack of female hormones, vaginal dryness, painful sexual intercourse, and repeated urinary tract infections also occur one after another. Dr. Su Mingxuan said that although not every woman will experience menopausal symptoms, 40% to 60% of women will have menopausal symptoms to varying degrees. In addition, the reduction of estrogen will also affect fat metabolism, and many women will also find that they continue to gain weight despite eating less.

Dr. Su Mingxuan pointed out that according to research, the average age of menopause in Taiwan is about 50 years old, but in fact many women start to have menopausal symptoms when they are about 45 years old. During this period, the focus of life is easy to focus on work, and the other half are also busy with their careers. Children are also in adolescence, a stage that needs more care, so it is not difficult to understand the situation of career and family conflicts. Various factors cause female friends to ignore their own physical condition and endure the discomfort caused by menopausal symptoms. A few of them even suffer from depression, which troubles themselves and their families.

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Dr. Su Mingxuan pointed out that when menopausal symptoms appear, it also allows you to stop for a while to examine your own health. You can care about whether you are eating healthy, whether you exercise regularly, and whether there is a scarlet letter in this year’s health check; In addition, is there enough company and care for family members outside of work? Menopause should not be a place for you to stop, but a necessary journey in life.

To alleviate menopausal symptoms, if there are no contraindications to the use of hormones, hormone supplementation is currently the most effective method. In addition to improving symptoms, hormone supplementation can also slow down bone loss, prevent joint degeneration, protect the cardiovascular system, and reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer; in addition, it can be combined with regular exercise. , can reduce weight, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems at the same time, can also improve sleep quality, lower mood, and enhance the sexual happiness of husband and wife. I hope that female friends who are currently troubled by menopausal syndrome will love themselves more and welcome the next stage of life when the epidemic is gradually lifted and they are busy with work.

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