If you’re new to bodybuilding, here are the key things to consider when planning your workout

Finding the best plan to achieve your goals can be tricky, so we’ve put together this guide. We explain the basics of weight training planning, which will help newcomers to develop an effective program and experienced practitioners to improve their performance. With our tips, you’ll quickly know what exercises you need, plus get planning tips to keep your workouts on track and getting results!

What are the basics of bodybuilding planning?

Strength training planning is a key part of any fitness program. A comprehensive plan should include a variety of exercises targeting major muscle groups, such as the chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. Besides the choice of exercises, a good weight training plan should also include other important elements such as the frequency of sessions, the amount of weight lifted and rest days.

Strength training generally refers to any exercise program involving the use of resistance or weight for the purpose of increasing muscle size, strength and/or endurance. Some of the most common strength exercises include squats, overhead presses, deadlifts, pullups, bicep curls, lateral raises, and tricep extensions. It’s important to note that strength training doesn’t always have to involve heavy weights; bodyweight exercises such as push-ups and planks can be used just as effectively to build muscle mass.

Are you beginners? here’s what you need to do!

Set realistic goals:

In the beginning, it is important to set realistic goals. This can range from increasing the weight you can lift to improving muscular endurance, depending on your end goal. Once you define your goals, it will be easier to create a plan that will help you achieve them.

Begin each strength training session with a warm-up.

Warming up prepares your muscles for the upcoming workout by gradually increasing heart rate and loosening tight muscle fibers. This can help reduce the risk of injury during exercise.

Focus on form rather than weight.

Your main goal should be to learn how to perform an exercise correctly without sacrificing form in order to lift more weight. For example, if you’re squatting with a barbell on your back, be sure to keep your chest high, core straight, and knees behind your toes as you descend into a squat position, instead of rounding your back. or letting the hips swing forward to lift more weight.

Stay focused on compound movements.

These are usually larger exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once, like squats or deadlifts, rather than single-joint exercises, like bicep curls. Compound movements allow you to target multiple muscles simultaneously in a single movement. Which makes them more effective at helping build overall muscle mass than isolation moves like bicep curls, which only target a specific muscle group. Additionally, compound movements also create higher levels of muscle tension, leading to increased rates of hypertrophy (muscle growth).

Start with light weights.

It is important for beginner lifters to start with relatively light weights (in terms of relative intensity) and gradually increase the amount of weight lifted over time. As their body becomes stronger and better suited to handling heavier loads; this process should be done in small increments during each session so that their muscles can get used to progressively heavier loads each time they hit the gym. It’s also important for beginner lifters to take plenty of rest days throughout the week, as exercising too often triggers overstimulation and overtraining that might lead to injury or demotivation.

Include stretching during your strength training session.

Stretching between sets is beneficial because it increases blood circulation and helps keep muscles relaxed during exercise sessions.

Plan to cool down following your session.

The return to calm facilitates the return to daily life once the session is over; it also helps prevent muscle soreness following training.

Make the right choice of equipment.

In terms of equipment choices, there are two main categories – free weights and machines – and which one is best for a person depends on their specific goals and level of experience.

Vary the exercises regularly.

Variation between different exercises should be part of any strength training program to avoid plateaus due to overuse of certain exercises or muscles. This can lead to injury if not taken care of over time. By including new exercises every week or month, you ensure that your body stays stimulated instead of resting on its laurels, while reaping the benefits of strength training in general. Like increasing metabolism, improving posture, strengthening bones and joints, etc.

Free Weight Vs Machine: Where To Start?

Free weights involve using dumbbells to target specific muscles or groups to build strength and size. But they require more control than machines because they are not driven by adjustable parameters.

As for the machines, they ensure the stability of the movements. Which makes them ideal for beginners who don’t have a lot of weight lifting experience yet or for those who just don’t feel comfortable using free weights without making mistakes that might lead to wounds. However, they don’t necessarily target certain muscle groups like free weights do, which makes them more suitable for people looking to stay in shape rather than build muscle.

What are the most suitable bodybuilding exercises for beginners?

One of the best bodyweight exercises for beginners is bodyweight training, such as:

The squats:

Are perfect for strengthening the lower body while providing core stability. They consist of bending the knees while sitting down as if you were going to sit on a chair (without actually sitting down).

The slots:

Are effective in working several muscles of your legs at the same time; they involve taking a big step forward and lowering one knee toward the floor while keeping the other knee bent at a 90 degree angle.

Boards :

Are simple, yet effective exercises that involve leaning on the forearms and toes while keeping the spine straight, which helps develop core strength and balance and tone the abdominal muscles.

The pumps :

Requires you to lift yourself off the ground by pushing with your hands, which works multiple muscles in your arms, chest, shoulders, and back in one motion.

These bodyweight exercises on their own can be a great strength training program when done regularly. Adding extra weights or resistance bands can improve these movements or achieve progressive overload over time.

As mentioned before, it’s important to remember that building muscle takes time. So start off slow by performing these exercises with perfect form before gradually increasing the reps or weight over time. Never forget to listen to your body’s needs: if you feel tired, take rest days so you don’t overwork yourself!

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.



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