70% of patients still have organs affected by the infection one year later

British doctors followed the condition of patients’ organs a year following their Covid-19. And the majority of them still suffer from failure of one or more internal organs.

The coronaviruscoronavirus has infected millions of people around the world, leaving a significant number of them with sequelssequels long durationduration. Shortness of breath, fatigue, cognitive impairment are some of the many symptomssymptoms that affect the daily lives of patients with long Covid. From a biological perspective, it is difficult for doctors to link symptoms to a clear etiology.

Eventually, there would only be 7 symptoms related to long Covid

69% of patients with long Covid have a failing organ

British doctors, working in the various NHS hospitals (National Health Service) across the country, followed 331 patients infected with Covid-19 for one year. The objective: to have them undergo several MRIs during the follow-up to check their general state of health and that of several of their organs. At the end of this follow-up, the doctors concluded that 69% of their long Covid patients had one or more failing organs. But the evidence is not yet sufficient to associate the failures observed with the symptoms of the patients.

Doctors did MRI scans to scan the heart, lungslungskidneys, foiefoiethe pancreaspancreas and the spleen of their patients. The latter are mainly women, whites and health professionals, infected between April 2020 and August 2021, which corresponds approximately to theemergenceemergence of the first two waveswaves of the’epidemicepidemic. All of them had health problems following their infection with the coronavirus at the start of the follow-up and 69% of them had an organ damaged by the virusvirus and 23% had multiple organ failures; most of the time these failures are mild to moderate.

A long Covid, a disease still poorly understood

At the end of the one-year follow-up, the situation has improved slightly for the patients but their state of health remains fragile; 59% of them still had an affected organ. Doctors note that cardiopulmonary problems resolve the fastest. While the link between organ failure and patients’ symptoms cannot be confirmed here, it is sure to place a definite burden on their health.



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