6 million Germans have “bone loss”: These foods help against it

In Germany, millions of people suffer from osteoporosis. Often referred to as “bone loss,” the disease can lead to bone loss and fractures. TV doctor Franziska Rubin shows which foods can prevent osteoporosis.

Bone mass is constantly being built up and broken down in our bones. If the ratio is no longer correct because too many bone cells are broken down but too few are newly formed, fatal changes occur in the bone. It becomes porous and the risk of breakage increases.

Many risk factors for osteoporosis

There are foods once morest “bone loss”.

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Other risk factors are:

  • an unfavorable genetic predisposition,
  • Too little movement,
  • a lack of calcium or vitamin D,
  • radical diets and
  • estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women

With a calcium-rich diet and regular exercise in the fresh air (for vitamin D synthesis) you have all the important measures at hand to protect your bones.

Medical record of JF Kennedy

You mightn’t tell, but John F. Kennedy had suffered from severe back problems since his youth and even had to wear a corset. Also plagued him depression, irritable bowel syndrome and sleep disorders. Osteoporosis later developed, which aggravated his already existing back problems. Tormented by many illnesses, the supposed sunny boy employed eight doctors at the same time

These foods help prevent osteoporosis

Consumers should use calcium-rich mineral water.

Image: Photo: Wolfgang Kumm/dpa

Calcium-rich mineral water is a good alternative for those who cannot tolerate milk. The quantity can be found on the label. The calcium content of the water should be around 300 mg / l. Some varieties are even between 400 and 600 mg. At the same time, pay attention to the sodium (salt) content. It should be below 220 mg / l.

Open sesame, you might say, because these little seeds are a real calcium miracle. 100 g of sesame contains 783 mg of calcium. You can not only sprinkle the grains in muesli, but also use them for breading or enrich a vegetable pan with them. I like to make a spread with honey from the sesame butter (tahin, you can now find it in many grocery stores, definitely in Turkish-Arabic ones).

Not only are milk and cheese rich in calcium, but kale is also a great source. Just 100g of fresh cabbage contains 212mg of calcium, one fifth of the daily requirement for an adult. In addition to plenty of vitamin C, kale also contains phytochemicals like lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are beneficial for eye health. And like all cabbages, kale is high in mustard oils, which are said to have cancer-preventing effects.

Other recommended foods

  • Milk and milk products (especially hard cheese)
  • fennel
  • Broccoli
  • almonds

Caution is advised with:

  • all ready meals: because they contain a lot of phosphate, which in excess disturbs the bone metabolism
  • Cola
  • processed cheese

Franziska Rubin is a holistic doctor, TV presenter and best-selling author. Born in Hanover in 1968, the doctor with a doctorate moderated the MDR health magazine “Hauptsache Gesund” once a week from 1998 to 2015. Her special concern is to offer as many people as possible competent advice and help and to inform them regarding the fascinating possibilities of naturopathy and complementary medicine.

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