Municipal mutual: Nice distributes its first cards, are you interested?

She is launched. The first members of the municipal mutual received their card yesterday from the hands of the mayor, Christian Estrosi, and the president of Solimut, Carole Hazé.

Since November, 250 people from Nice have taken out health coverage with this mutualist group, a non-profit structure, which therefore has no “no shareholder to remunerate” and ensure that “All contributions are used to cover health costs”.

Solimut won the call for tenders launched by the City because its proposal was “the least expensive”underlined Christian Estrosi. “Almost half of the people of Nice might be concerned”according to him.

How to join?

The municipal mutual, adopted unanimously by the municipal council on May 27, 2021, is open to all people residing in Nice, without discrimination. No conditions of resources, age or health are taken into account.

Four levels of coverage are offered, with progressive rates depending on the desired cover and the age of the subscriber. The rates range from 35 euros (for those under 30 wishing a minimum level of coverage) to 168 euros (for those over 75 wishing to benefit from maximum coverage) per month.

For more information or to take out a contract, go to the Solimut agency or to one of the two reception points offered in town.

The Solimut Mutuelle de France branch is located at 27, rue Gioffredo. The group also has a permanent reception point at the Pierre-Sola mutual health center (7, bd Pierre-Sola) and a permanence, every Tuesday, at the Pasteur 2 hospital.



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