8 signals of lack of exercise from the body |

news/photo/202303/76481_18019_649.jpg?resize=500%2C345&ssl=1" alt="◆운동을 하면 식욕이 줄어든다. 식욕이 이전에 비해 늘어다면 운동이 부족하다는 신호이다./*출처=셔터스톡" width="500" height="345" layout="responsive" class="amp_f_img"/>
◆Exercise reduces appetite. If your appetite increases compared to before, it is a sign of lack of exercise./*Source = Shutterstock

Regular exercise is an essential element of good health. Exercise improves cardiovascular disease risk factors and improves physical strength and immunity.

Living in a busy modern society, it often happens that you cannot exercise regularly. In this case, our body sends various signals to exercise.

Here are some of the signs your body sends you regarding lack of exercise:

1. Back and Knee Pain

Back and knee pain is usually a symptom of aging. However, recently, there are many people who complain of pain due to lack of exercise and wrong posture in the younger generation.

This is because muscle strength is weakened due to lack of exercise and the synovial fluid that reduces friction between bones does not play its role.

2. Indigestion

If you sit or lie down immediately following eating, the stomach cannot perform its digestive function. Conversely, if you exercise, your digestive power will improve and your intestines will be strengthened, which will help prevent constipation.

3. Chronic fatigue

Regular exercise improves your stamina and helps you keep a clear mind throughout the day. Therefore, if you feel chronic fatigue, it is a sign that your body is getting tired due to lack of exercise.

4. Decreased cardiorespiratory function

Exercising people also exhale heavily when climbing stairs because they require more oxygen. So, if you feel short of breath when climbing stairs, there is no need to fret.

However, if you are out of breath and climbing stairs is too hard for you, you should start exercising.

5. Less than 5 push-ups

Push-ups are an exercise that uses all the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms, and is useful for verifying physical ability. Usually, people under the age of 50 must do at least 5 to 10 sessions to be considered to have a normal body shape.

6. Abdominal obesity

Abdominal obesity causes various adult diseases. Excessive belly fat adversely affects the health of the heart, kidneys, liver, digestive system, and pancreas.

If your waist circumference exceeds 40 inches (101.6 cm) for men and 35 inches (88.9 cm) for women, you should start exercising right away.

7. Increased appetite

When you exercise, you think less regarding food. If your desire for food has increased compared to before, it may be a sign of lack of exercise.

8. Constipation

Abs and diaphragm muscle health is key to moving waste through the digestive tract. Regular exercise helps maintain regular bowel movements.[End_mark]



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