the corner that came back to life in the Tiro Federal neighborhood

For decades, the corner of Palacios and Don Bosco de Roca streets was frozen in time. At another time, there was a “CAD” – Day Care Center – that later closed and over the years, the building deteriorated. That is why the news of the recovery of that space was received with great joy by residents of the Tiro Federal neighborhood.

Days agofollowing six months of work, the mayor María Emilia Soria inaugurated a new Municipal Integration Center that is already in operation there and joins the other two built in Barrio Nuevo and Stefenelli.

The before and following of the corner of Don Bosco and Palacios.

Spacecompletely remodeled, It now has a multipurpose room, two offices, two classrooms, a kitchen, a restroom area with showers, and a patio.. Besideswith the accompaniment of the National Government, this CIM has a Digital Point -the second in the city- which has 17 notebooks for the learning room, a games room equipped with the latest generation X-Box, a micro cinema and a space for online training.

The center has the second Digital Point of the city.

This new CIM also plans a space for the installation of a Banco Credicoop ATM, which will be installed in the coming days, becoming the first in the northern area of ​​Roca.

Varied offer of proposals for the community

The CIM of Tiro Federal is already in operation and has a wide variety of workshops, training and free activities, with open registration:

The building will also have an ATM for the convenience of residents.

– Children’s Physical Education (Kindergarten and First Cycle up to 8 years old)
– Cold porcelain
– Circular needle knitting
– Initial photograph
– Manufacture of bags and backpacks
– Percussion
– Andean winds
– Guitar
– Violin
– Charango
– Keyboard
– Art and movement (for people with disabilities)
– Flamenco
– Creative writing
– Hair salon
– Upholstery
– Entry level PC operator
– Installer of networks and security cameras
– Purrum Mapu Municipal Orchestra
– Introduction to Technological Innovation
– Digital Literacy
– Apps for curious childhoods

The CIM also launches a modern space for online training.

Municipal services closer to the neighbors

During the month of March, municipal attention in this CIM will be provided by area.

Social development: It will work twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with the attention of a social worker.

The space designed and prepared so that the neighbors carry out their procedures with comfort.

Transit: Twice a week the virtual classroom will be used to take the exams to obtain the driver’s license for the first time and renewals. The corresponding licenses will be issued on those days.

Food safety: The Food Handling course may be taken.

A custom patio to enjoy the new space.

Environment: During April they will take turns for castration in the mobile operating room that will work in front of the CIM during June. Autumn-winter seed delivery will also be made.

Usep: Enrollments will be made for a new curriculum formulation and assembly course.

Municipal decentralization policy

The Municipal Integration Centers project includes spaces for neighborhood integration and social inclusion and aims to bring the Municipality’s services closer to the most populated neighborhoods. Thus, in recent years the Barrio Nuevo CIM was built on El Cauquén and Rosario de Santa Fé streets and the Stefenelli CIM on Leopoldo Lugones street between Leonardo Da Vinci and Guido Spano.

In Stefenelli the before and following was in Leopoldo Lugones between Leonardo Da Vinci and Guido Spano.

These three venues have a varied agenda of activities and municipal services that, together with the community centers, sports centers, beaches and other municipal offices located in 20 neighborhoods of the city, offer an enormous range of workshops for various age groups. More than 460 courses and training, with proposals for culture, sports and trades to promote the integral development of people, laying the foundations for a better job prospects and life project for the residents of Roca.

In Barrio Nuevo, on El Cauquén and Rosario de Santa Fé streets, there was also a renewed before and following.

Federal Tire CAD History

The Day Care Center –CAD- of Tiro Federal functioned between the ’70s and ’90s as a space for social support. According to the records, it was founded in 1977 with the signing of an agreement between the National University of Comahue, the municipality of General Roca and the Government of the province of Río Negro.

The work of the CIM of Tiro Federal was executed by the company Pili Construcciones.

Through a Foundation chaired by Eduardo Diniello and with the participation of Natalio Kisnerman, María Inés García, Dinora Faith, Gloria Malvino, among many others, the CAD was put into operation. Leather, ceramics, folklore, and physical activity workshops were held, and school and professional assistance was provided through a team of teachers, psychologists, educational psychologists, and social workers. Neighbors who grew up in the area treasure beautiful memories and anecdotes from those times. Then, at the beginning of the ’90s, the lack of resources to cover salaries and maintenance of the building caused the closure of the project.

The residents of the northern zone are an important part of the neighborhood’s history and last year they wanted to be present at the inauguration of 18 new asphalt blocks.

Today, within the framework of the decentralization policy carried out by the Municipality of Roca, this space comes back to life to promote community development and continue generating many more smiles.



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