MARCH 8 CELEBRATION – Women are unstoppable

Apart from the celebration of women’s rights, March 8 is also one of many occasions to praise the efforts made by every woman for the nation and society, regardless of the positions they hold. They are both strong and determined.

Vony Ranala, multidisciplinary artist
“Women artists make things happen »
Vony Ranala is an artist and she wears many hats in the artistic world. She is an author, director, actress, slammer, dancer and comic book scriptwriter. Vony Ranala started acting in 2006 with the Miangaly Théâtre company and with the Madagaslam association. As she progressed, she opened up to other disciplines such as contemporary dance, lyrical music and comics. This artist believes in the ability of women in all fields and mainly in the artistic world. “I think women artists move around a lot. They change a lot of things. If we take the field of theatre, there are many women who have made this art their profession. I followed their path. For the slam, there are a lot of slammers who have a lot of projects. In terms of the will to change things, women are unstoppable, no matter the context,” she says. The celebration of March 8 is, according to her, an opportunity to focus on “wanting to change things”. “In the Miangaly Théâtre company, we are going to celebrate March 8 by giving theater workshops. There will be a show carried by women, the show was written by a woman and directed by a woman, ”she concludes.

SP2 Prisca Gift
“Women can do anything with their determination and courage”
SP2 Fanomezantsoa Prisca is a second class soldier in the fire brigade in Antananarivo. Being a firefighter was a little girl’s dream come true for this young recruit. She is part of the first promotion of women within this body. “When I was younger, I dreamed of doing this job. As soon as the announcement of the competition to enter this body was posted, I introduced myself then
I was admitted,” she says. Working as a firefighter is no small feat especially for a woman. Women firefighters are paid the same as men. Despite the difficulties, SP2 Fanomezantsoa Prisca has never given up and she embraces the profession of fire soldier with determination and courage. “The workload is the same as the men since the internship and in the work in general. Me and my colleagues are all in the intervention sector. The job is to respond to fires, drownings and medical evacuations in the fire department ambulance. The beginning was not easy since it took time to adapt. I got used to it through relentless effort and practice. Saving lives is a very noble mission for me,” she says.

Blessed Razanamahefa
Uncompromising versatility
Omnipresence. If you had to find a word to describe the qualities of Tahiana Razanamahefa, it is the most appropriate. Director of the four-star Havana Resort, 42 rooms and fifteen apartments, she also serves as communication manager for the STOI group, made up of several companies. “Faced with so many responsibilities, I try to adopt a positive attitude. Not complaining regarding everyday problems but looking for solutions”. She was the linchpin of reforestation in Anjanamasoandro, in the commune of Behenjy, of the STOI group. “In the past, the site was a desert flank doomed to soil erosion. Today it has become a haven of peace for nature, where a source of water can irrigate two hundred hectares of rice fields, which can house fish farming intermittently. A change of scenery that encourages us to consolidate what has been achieved” she welcomes the duty accomplished towards future generations. On another level, Tahiana Razanamahefa is also campaigning to popularize the cultivation of hybrid rice. “It has proven itself in China, which has been able to feed its inhabitants, one billion four hundred million souls, and export the surplus rice production. Why by us? We provide associate rice growers with seeds adapted to the various climates of the country, we supervise them on the cultivation techniques of this species, we distribute organic fertilizers to them, and possibilities of access to agricultural credits. The objective of these actions, in collaboration with the authorities, remains food self-sufficiency” she maintains. Commitments that deserve to be highlighted to celebrate this memorable day.

Marcelline Ranaivomanana
A maid sacrifices herself for the future of her children
Marcelline Raivomanana, a 39-year-old woman, lives far from her minor children, the last of whom is 10 years old. She leaves them with their father during the week to work as a housekeeper in a house that is half an hour’s drive from her home. She only comes home on weekends. “I am making this sacrifice for my children. I want them to succeed in life. I who did not know the bench of the school, I estimate that it is necessary to study to succeed. Since my husband’s salary is not enough to ensure the future of our children, I have decided to work, although I have to separate myself from them, temporarily. “, she says. This separation is not obvious to her. “What I’m most afraid of is that they won’t have anything to eat at home. For their health, I rely on God, moreover, they rarely fall ill. “, she continues. Far-sighted, Marcelline Raivomanana organizes everything during the two days she spends at home, Saturday and Sunday. “I buy the ratio of food sufficient for the week, such as rice, pulses, oil, charcoal. On Sundays, following church, I classify the clothes that my children will wear to school during the week. I entrust a small sum to a neighborhood grocer who will give them sweets or biscuits when they go to school. “, she says. For Marcelline Raivomanana, women can meet the needs of the family, just like men. “The father and the mother of the family can work, in parallel, if the family is in need. A working mother should not disturb family life, if husband and wife know how to organize themselves. “, she says.

Traditional ornaments.

Governor Amoro of Mania
“One must have a valiant heart to accomplish all the tasks entrusted”
Recently appointed to the post of governor of the Amoron’i Mania region, Haingo Fomendrazana is multi-hatted. Apart from her great responsibility as the head of the Amoron’i Mania region, she is also an entrepreneur in the hotel and construction sector and a full-time mother. “I graduated in economics and I took leadership training in France in 2014,” she says. Before being appointed governor, she was the mayor of the city of Ambositra. Reconciling family life with public life is important, she says. “Nothing should be left behind. For me, family life is just as important as the position entrusted to me. As a mother of four children, I try to be there for them and to always push them up,” she confides. For the Governor, the accomplishment of the tasks entrusted to her is done with great self-sacrifice and determination. “As a woman, the challenges are not lacking when you are a public figure. It takes courage to achieve all the goals. And more importantly, the strength to continue, whatever the situation and the obstacles that stand in front of us, ”she concludes.

Miora Juanitah Rakotoarison, has chosen to take care of her family.

Miora Juanitah thrives on taking care of her family
Being a stay-at-home mother is not recognized as a job, and yet, this status requires a lot of demands, a lot of energy, and little time for yourself. Despite these challenges, Miora Juanitah Rakotoarison decided to go for it. She quit her job to take care of her family a few years ago. “I made this choice because my eldest, then 2 years old, suffered a head injury. He was looked following by a nanny at the time, while I was working. I felt sorry for him, because we had to suture him. I then decided to quit my job to take care of him, ”she testifies. Since then, his profession has been his family. “My alarm clock is at 5 am. I cook breakfast, and I help the children get ready for school. It’s a race once morest time, because they have to leave the house by 6:30 a.m. at the latest, so as not to be late. It is their father who takes them to school. When they left, I focus on our youngest, 6 months old. It is when she is well cleansed and satiated that I take care of myself. I continue with the preparation of meals and other tasks. When they come back in the evening, I take regarding thirty minutes to do a review with my 8-year-old daughter, before the meal. “. Such is the typical day for this woman. She notes that taking care of her household is a full-time, unpaid job. She’s not complaining, though. She would feel fulfilled, taking care of her family.
She deplores women who criticize those who are at home. “There are many reasons that can explain this decision. This can be a problem as well as an organization within a couple. But whatever the case, each of us must be free to choose,” she reacts.

Annick Ralitera, very passionate regarding her profession.

“Risk for your passion”
” At valiant heart nothing impossible “. Annick Ralitera is that kind of woman who doesn’t let go. Lawyer at the Bar of Madagascar since 1997, she was sworn in at the age of 22. Eager to learn, she decided to perfect and improve her knowledge of law in France. “It was not easy to resume studies with young people who were not my age following having finished them a long time ago,” she confides. Maître Annick Ralitera is now one of the rare Madagascans to practice at the Paris Bar. She practices in business and family law, but especially in foreigners and nationality law. This choice is not fortuitous. Of a benevolent nature and attached to her native country, she wants at all costs to help her compatriots who are often faced with problems with visas, residence permits and nationality. This 40-year-old loves her job. She feels very fulfilled in her work. “I have a sense of contact and I enjoy sharing and putting my skills to good use. It’s a great satisfaction that drives me with each success in defending the interests of my clients and that’s what pushes me to go even further,” she says. She encourages women to risk for their passion, no matter how insurmountable the fight may seem, to stay confident, never give up, redouble their efforts and persevere. “Put everything in God’s hands as a priority since he is the one who knows what is good for us. Tell yourself that you are capable. Stay efficient! » she addresses women, on the occasion of this day dedicated to women.



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