Women’s “permanence and development”

Frankly News – Written by Dr. Betty Al-Saqrat / University of Jordan

The world celebrates International Women’s Day on this day, and this is not enough for her, first of all, because the celebration is limited to one day, while it must continue in a way that befits the representation of women for more than half of society, as well as the fact that the celebrated women do not have time to celebrate.

In the recent period, women have become burdened at work, at home, and at school, which makes them absent from crucial scenes in society, and their place has become receding and constitutes only a formal and not an essential part in making important decisions that affect everyone.

And locally, we need what makes the celebration societal and cultural in all fields, such as journalistic writing, poetry, prose, television, and drama and theatrical works.

Politically, women in the partisan political arena are still far from achieving more than the quota conditions for the party to reach a legal status. Women need to be leaders with a satisfactory rate that exceeds their partisan presence.

In addition, women must be decision-makers in the party in order for women to succeed in politics in a manner and framework that befits them.

We started a new centenary with constitutional amendments that dealt with fairness to women in a significant part, and we hope that it will be a centenary rich in everything that is fair to women so that they can obtain their rights, so that it will be an inclusive celebration befitting women and the society in which they are the mistress and educator.

Celebrating women is an international holiday and a beautiful season full of noble feelings that must be extended so that women are safe and reassured and enjoy family and societal prosperity.

Women are the basis for goodness, so let them enjoy happy days, and every year they are well.



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