A kind of exotic fruit that nourishes the cornea and protects the eye from blindness

Dragon fruit is an exotic food native to southern Mexico and Central American countries that helps protect the eyes. It is also known as pitaya or strawberry pear. The name dragon fruit is derived from the appearance of its prickly skin.

This fruit contains vitamin A, C, and carotene. It is worth noting that these vitamins nourish and protect the cornea.

It also contains many health benefits and nutrients, so it is good for maintaining full color vision.

The express newspaper said that vitamin A deficiency is the cause of blindness in children, so the American Optometric Association (AOA) classifies it as an important nutrient for the eyes thanks to its high vitamin A content that supports the functioning of the conjunctival and corneal membranes.

The NHS also reports that vitamin A is essential to help with vision in low-light conditions.

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