in Morocco, a single company monopolizes the marketing of 25% of drugs – Maghreb Intelligence

This is one of the slaps or big surprises brought by the report of the Court of Auditors for the year 2021 and which has just been made public on Tuesday March 7.

The magistrates of this institution affirm that a single company monopolizes the marketing of 25% of the drugs available on the Moroccan market, that is to say 1,229 drugs.

Of this total, more than a quarter of the drugs in question, exactly 315, are basic drugs, i.e. those intended to treat chronic or fairly recurrent diseases. And who says monopoly situation says prices set almost unilaterally.

The report also paints a gloomy picture of the pharmaceutical sector in Morocco.

In addition to monopoly situations, prices are set excessively with pharmacies that make up to 57% margin.

As for generic drugs, Morocco still has a long way to go due to resistance from lobbies.



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