Summary of the drama ‘Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter’ after receiving the award, the rising star artist confuses netizens

Issues arise from time to time. for famous net idols “Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter” The owner of the nickname “Wak Kok Shaka Thaen Mueang” After being famous for wearing a dress with a plunging neckline – Nobra Selling Tokyo crispy butter snacks in Chiang Mai until being taken by the provincial cultural officer and Chang Phueak Police Station to the shop to inspect and give advice on the sale of hygienic snacks. Including the dress Until having to dress completely new

after that “Olive” There have always been drama issues, until recently, it is being criticized. In case she posted a message from receiving an award Artists who make contributions to society Until netizens ask questions appropriate or not Komchadluek Summarizes the drama, including the life path of “Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter”

Award winning drama

1. Date 6 Mar. 2023 Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter Post pictures and messages via Instagram saying after receiving the award Siam Akradusdee Artists who make contributions to society Rising Star Artist Award at the important person of the year 2022, the founding day of the International Thai Women’s Association at the Teachers Council of Thailand Auditorium Ministry of Education

2. Netizens questioned and collapsed on what criteria this award was used to decide. Why did Olive receive an award? What play is she acting in? Do content be regarded as dramas and artists? Including some people also say Maybe the circle of awards will be out there in there. pay to win prizes

3. The Ministry of Education came out to clarify after being heavily attacked, stating that the award did not belong to the Ministry. But just renting out the venue for award announcements only

4. This award is an award given by the International Thai Women’s Association. Held on the occasion of International Thai Women’s Day by providing a role model with rewards for those who benefit the nation and religion king Volunteer Award Helping fellow human beings Provincial, 1 prize per province, which winners has been selected by the committee and certified experts in the year 2022 – 2023Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter

Summary of every drama “Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter”

5. In 2022 “Olive” Or Ms. Aranya Aphaiso, 24 years old, famous as a buzz overnight. From dressing in a shirt with a split-neck – Nobra Selling Tokyo Crispy Butter Snacks in Chiang Mai

6. After being hilarious, Olive started recording a clip of talking and begging to sell snacks. in her style until it became a viral clip on social media It became famous at the level of surpassing ten million views in less than 5 days and causing people to cover her speech all over the place.

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Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter

7. Netizens started digging after finding out that she had a hidden child, which “Olive” admitted that she really had a child. At that time, it was during his life that he was misbehaving. By now her child is with the man’s family. but she insisted did not abandon the child

8. It has become a topic that many people talk about in the social world again when “Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter” Has posted a clip of carrying a bag of Tokyo snacks. Patrolling for sale at the red light intersection in the area of ​​​​Chiang Mai Province until netizens also questioned whether seems to be a time of misfortune but she replied It’s because I have to earn a living. And normally they sell Tokyo crispy butter already.

9. Olive began her career as a coach. But it was a bounce back. When she bully “Yumiko” contestant Miss Sexy Thailand by taking off the shirt to compare the figure and asked if this was already skinny Until many people have to come and stop And there was a lot of apologies. And Olive came out live sadly. to apologize for what happened

Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter Live Sorry Bully Knot

10. From the recent flooding, she has decided to resign from being a coach for the Miss Sexy Thailand contest and will return to selling Tokyo crispy butter as before. Because I can’t stand the pressure

and most recently, when she won an award Siam Akradusdee Artists who make contributions to society Rising Star Artist Award At the event of the important person of the year 2022, the drama came back again for “Olive Tokyo Crispy Butter”

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