Health: Any bite, scratch or licking of the skin of a stray animal faces preventive measures immediately

Written by Walid Abdel Salam

Tuesday, 07 March 2023 04:00 AM

The Ministry of Health and Population said that rabies It is a disease that is difficult to diagnose before symptoms appear, and if symptoms appear, treatment becomes necessary and often leads to death.

recommended Ministry of Health The population is required to receive vaccination immediately following infection and without hesitation.

And she continued, all stray dogs and cats, as well as unvaccinated pets, must be considered infected until proven otherwise

This means treating any bite, scratch, or just licking of the skin from a stray or unvaccinated animal as infected, and ensuring that specific preventive measures are taken immediately.

And the Ministry of Health added, when exposed to a bite or scratch from a dog, cat, or any infected animal, health care must be sought.



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