“Unemployed” Customs officers still claim their integration – Aïr Info

As usual, and this for several months, yesterday February 27, 2023, dozens of young customs officers demonstrated peacefully in Niamey. They are young Nigeriens regularly admitted to a customs competition but who are refused integration. The bottleneck has a name: the union of their host corporation.

To make themselves heard, to be understood and so that they know exactly what is blocking their integration, these young people regularly go to the offices of the Customs Department to show their dissatisfaction. But nothing, absolutely nothing in response to their dismay. Nothing in response to their legitimate claim.

And yet, successive court decisions have been rendered in their favour. This allowed these young people admitted to even benefit from military training at the Training School of the Niger Armed Forces (EFOFAN).

The authorities of Niger must take a closer look at this situation. And above all remember that these young people, trained in the profession of arms, must not be trivialized in this way and especially in the current security context. Yes, it is extremely dangerous to leave them on the loose while in our lands the merchants of illusions pill and the sirens of misfortune rustle.

All the more reason for the case of these young people to call out to the State of Niger as soon as possible. It is necessary that beyond the union injunctions, justice triumphs. And this justice obliges the State to hire these young officers.




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