Greens are committed to a walk on the Vöckla

The Vöcklabruck Greens welcome the recently started flood protection project on the Ager. The protection of 78 properties in the Schalchham settlement in Regau, the reactivation of an old branch of the Ager and the ecologically designed retention compensation on the Vöcklabruck side in the Schneiderau are positive.

The Greens are not satisfied with the route. The popular and much-used footpath along the river bank from Schlossstraße – past the confluence of the Vöckla and Ager rivers – to Keplerstraße would fall victim to the construction work. “We demand that this path be preserved and that it can be used in times when there is no flooding,” says Environment Councilor Sonja Pickhardt-Kröpfel. The Greens are annoyed that the then mayor (Herbert Brunsteiner, ÖVP) did not push for the preservation of this path in the project planning in coordination with the municipality of Regau. It is now up to the municipality to correct this omission quickly and to agree on the preservation of the path.


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