FPÖ – Amesbauer: Police officers must not be placed under left-green general suspicion with a new complaints office! | Liberal Parliament Club

In the black-green Corona regime once morest the population, the government instrumentalized the police officers – now they are to be criminalized in the service of a left-green ideology

Vienna (OTS) “If the Greens, with the toleration of the ÖVP, want to involve human rights experts and civil society in the so-called investigation and complaints office for suspected or alleged police attacks, it is clear whose human rights are to be particularly protected here: It will certainly not be those of the local population, but for example, primarily those of illegal immigrants, for whom ÖVP-Green continues to roll out the red carpet. For the actors currently active in the governing parties, the whole thing has the stale followingtaste of a left-wing denunciation and change agency. Of course, any suspicion of illegal acts and disproportionate abuse by police officers must be clarified quickly and ruthlessly. However, the previous legal options are completely sufficient for this, with which those allegedly or actually affected by police misconduct can obtain their rights. But we Liberals are certainly not available for a left-green criminalization of police officers,” responded FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer to today’s presentation of the planned investigation and complaints office for suspected or alleged police assaults

“When the black-green Corona regime went once morest its own population, the police officers from Nehammer and Co. were used in the worst way – keyword “Flex”. Now they are to be criminalized in the service of a left-green ideology. This is called measuring with double standards. Our police officers must not be placed under general suspicion for left-wing ideological reasons,” stressed Amesbauer. Basically, the government is only dealing with political horse-trading: “The Greens can satisfy their left-green hostility to the police, the ÖVP can once once more haggle for posts. It doesn’t help the population at all and it’s at the expense of the police officers.”

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