Industrial activity contracted in January

The results of the monthly business survey in the industrial sector for the month of January 2023 reveal a monthly drop in activity, announced Bank Al-Maghrib.

According to data collected from February 1 to 28, 2023, by the Central Bank, production and sales would have decreased and the production capacity utilization rate (TUC) would have stood at 72% following 74% the previous month. .

The production capacity utilization rate would have stood at 72% following 74% the previous month, according to Bank Al-Maghrib

Established on the basis of a response rate of 65%, the results of the monthly survey indicate that production and sales would have experienced a decline in “agro-food”, in “chemicals and parachemicals” and in “mechanics and metallurgy” and an increase in “textiles and leather” and in “electrical and electronics”, Bank Al-Maghrib reported recently.

According to the public body, orders would have experienced stagnation, covering increases in “mechanics and metallurgy” and in “electrical and electronics”, stagnation in “textiles and leather” and a drop in “agro -food” and in “chemistry and parachemistry”.

As for the order books, the data show that they would have been at levels lower than normal in all branches of activity with the exception of “electrical and electronics” where they stand out above normal.

Never mind, “for the next three months, manufacturers anticipate an improvement in activity”, indicated Bank Al-Maghrib, noting however that 29% of companies indicate that they have no visibility as to future developments. of production and 23% for sales.

In detail, the production of the “agri-food” branch would have experienced a decline last January, with a TUC which would have been at 72%; as well as sales, which would have recorded a drop both on the local and foreign markets, and orders (with a backlog which would have been at a lower level than normal).

Although they expect an increase in production and a stagnation in sales for the next three months, “more than half of the manufacturers declare uncertainties as to the future evolution of production and a quarter of them them in terms of sales,” according to BAM.

As for the “textile and leather” branch, the survey reveals that production would have recorded, in parallel, an increase in all of the sub-branches with a TUC which would have been 81%.

Reflecting an increase in overseas shipments and a decline in local sales, sales would have posted an increase, the organization said.

The survey also revealed a stagnation in orders, covering a decrease in the “textile industry”, a stagnation in the “clothing and fur industry” and an increase in the “leather and footwear”; while the order book would have been at a lower level than normal.

Not very confident, the manufacturers surveyed say they expect a drop in production and stagnation in sales over the next three months; while “42% indicate a lack of visibility regarding the future development of production and 35% regarding sales”, noted Bank Al-Maghrib.

In the “chemicals and parachemicals” branch, the data collected suggests a decline in production, with a TUC of 72%, sales (due to the decline in shipments abroad and an increase in local sales) and orders ( with a book that would have settled at a lower level than normal).
However, manufacturers in the branch anticipate an improvement in activity for the next three months, according to the survey.

Declines are also reported in the “mechanical and metallurgy” branch. Indeed, with a TUC which would have been established at 71%, production would have declined during this same period; as well as sales which would have decreased both on the local and foreign markets.

The survey reveals, on the other hand, that “orders would have increased, with a book which would have been established at a level lower than normal”, indicated the Central Bank.

It should be recalled that, for the next three months, more than a quarter of companies (26%) declare uncertainties as to the future development of production and almost half (43%) as regards sales. . The bosses, however, anticipate an increase in production and sales.

In the “electrical and electronic” branch, production would have increased at the beginning of the year and the TUC would have been 73%. As well as sales, following registering an increase in the foreign market and a decrease in the local market. With a backlog that would have been at a higher level than normal, orders would also have increased during this month.

For the next three months, manufacturers indicate an increase in production and sales. However, 47% of them would not have any visibility as to the future development of production.

Alain Bouithy



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