Live: Schiaretti speaks at the Mediterranean Foundation

With the expectation of all the local “red circle”, Governor Juan Schiaretti opens this Monday the year of activities of the Mediterranean Foundation, with an exhibition in which he will detail the economic and financial situation of the Province and the main guidelines of the 10 months that remain under his management.

Schiaretti arrived after 1:40 p.m. accompanied by Martín Llaryora, the mayor of the Capital and candidate for governor for the ruling party. The president of the Foundation, María Pía Astori, and the head of the entity’s economic analysis institute, economist Carlos Melconian, also entered with the governor.

The presence of the president in that forum of businessmen and executives from the interior of the country has been common at the beginning of the cycle of traditional work lunches during the years of his administration, except in pandemics.

Schiaretti’s message live:

who was at lunch

For the occasion, which is his last as governor in this area, the entire provincial Cabinet was present. The lieutenant governor of the province, Manuel Calvo; and the ministers Ricardo Sosa (Public Works), Carlos Massei (Social Development), Sergio Busso (Agriculture), Julián López (Government and Security), Fabián López (Public Services), among others.

From the Municipality there were also strong presences, since Daniel Passerini, vice-management of Llaryora and candidate of the PJ in the next elections, along with the Secretary of Government, Miguel Siciliano, joined.

Other notable presences came from the Federal Justice, since they were judge Alejandro Sánchez Freytes, and chamberlain Ignacio Vélez Funes.

Because of the opposition, Senator Luis Juez and National Deputy Rodrigo de Loredo came to the place – they arrived together. Along with them was the other senator from Together for Change, Carmen Álvarez Rivero.

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In addition, there were the radicals Mario Negri, Marcos Carasso and Soledad Carrizo; Gustavo Santos and Soher el Sukaria and Héctor Baldassi, from PRO.

The Frente de Todos also had its representatives, since the national deputies Pablo Carro and Gabriela Estévez were present at the event.

At the same table as Schiaretti sat Domingo Felipe Cavallo, former Minister of Economy of the Nation and honorary president of the Foundation.

There was a strong presence of businessmen, including Horacio Parga (Edisur), Rosana Negrini (Agrometal), Juan Carlos Rabbat (21st Century University), Luis Pavone (fuels) and Luis Lumello (construction).

In addition, the vice president of the Stock Exchange, Marcos Brito (Banco Macro), the unionist Pablo Chacon (commerce), and leaders of commerce and industry were present.

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