Meningioma: progestins contraindicated in case of history

Precautionary recommendations

First of all, the prescription of a progestogen treatment is contraindicated in the event of a history of meningioma or existing meningioma. And this, except for exceptions to be evaluated in a multidisciplinary consultation meeting.

The fact of changing progestin does not exclude the risk of meningioma, however, “without being able to determine it for the moment”, specifies the ANSM. “It is necessary, before any new prescription or switch between progestins, to check all the progestins already used and their duration of use”.

When it is nevertheless indicated, “the treatment (by these progestins, editor’s note) must be prescribed at the minimum effective dose with the shortest possible duration of use”.

“The interest in continuing treatment must be reassessed every year, especially around menopause, the risk of meningioma increasing sharply with age,” adds the agency.

Finally, “a cerebral MRI should be performed in the event of neurological clinical signs suggestive of a meningioma (headaches, vision, language, memory and hearing disorders, nausea, dizziness, convulsions, loss of sense of smell, weakness or paralysis).

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Source: Destination Health



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