Emirates News Agency – Mohammed bin Rashid inaugurates Al Shindagha Museum in Dubai and inspects its pavilions

– The largest of its kind in the Emirates and includes 22 suites that embrace more than 80 historical houses.
Mohamed Ben Rached:
– “We want the world to know the story of Dubai and its ancient history… It was a meeting place for merchants and those looking for a better life, and it will remain the beating heart of the world’s civilizations, culturally and humanly.”
Preserving our cultural and historical heritage is a permanent approach that reflects our firm commitment to highlighting the values ​​of national identity and the civilizational and human dimensions embodied by the people of the Emirates since ancient times.
His Highness directed to transform the Shindagha area into an open museum that displays the inspiring story of Dubai to the world, and introduces its unique achievements.
The most prominent suites and houses of the Shindagha Museum:
• Dar Al Maktoum… Showcasing the ancient legacy of the ruling family, the achievements of its men, and historical events in Dubai
• The House of Perfumes.. A house that reviews the culture of perfumes, its development, and its association with Dubai
• The “Dubai Creek: The Birth of a City” pavilion… The beginning of every visitor wishing to learn regarding Dubai’s history in brief
• The “Faith and Life” pavilion shows how Islam enabled the people of the local community to preserve their heritage and identity
• The “Contemporary Dubai” pavilion sheds light on the cultural, economic and historical factors that contributed to the development of Dubai
• The “House of Traditional Crafts” reveals the lives of the craftsmen and the methods adopted by the ancestors to harness the resources of nature to create products that suit their needs
• The House of “Traditional Medicine” displays the development of its methods locally and the uses of herbs and medicinal plants, and presents a model for the first pharmacy in Dubai
• A Heritage Center for Handicrafts that provides an educational space dedicated to cultural heritage and is full of all forms of craft arts and reviews their development
• The “Marine Life” pavilion presents an integrated account of Dubai’s relationship with the sea and its influences on the emirate’s history and societal memory
• “House of Poetry” introduces its visitors to the place of Arabic and popular poetry in the local culture and provides an overview of the history of poetry in the UAE and the region

DUBAI, 6th March, WAM / His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, “may God protect him,” affirmed that preserving our cultural and historical heritage is a permanent approach that reflects our firm commitment to highlighting the values ​​of national identity and the civilizational and human dimensions that it embodied. The people of the Emirates since ancient times.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said, “Our museums are cultural beacons and evidence of our authentic heritage. We want the world to know the story of Dubai and its ancient history. It was a meeting place for merchants and those looking for a better life, and it will remain the beating heart of the world’s civilizations, culturally and humanly.”
This came during the opening ceremony of His Highness the Shindagha Museum in Dubai following the completion of its development operations, which was organized in the house of Sheikh Saeed bin Maktoum Al Maktoum, in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Aviation Authority and Supreme President of the Emirates Airlines Group, Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) and member of the Dubai Council, and Sheikh Hasher bin Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum, President of the Dubai Foundation For the media, His Excellency Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, and a number of senior officials, participants in the development of the museum, contributing work teams, entrepreneurs and artists.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum directed to transform the Shindagha area, on an area of ​​310,000 square meters, into an open museum that displays the inspiring story of Dubai to the world, and introduces its unique achievements with its human and civilized dimensions.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, during the opening ceremony hosted by the house of the late Sheikh Saeed bin Maktoum Al Maktoum, made an inspection tour throughout the museum, and saw some of its pavilions, especially the pavilion of Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed within the Al Maktoum House, which documents the experience of the late His Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, may God rest his soul, and his role in creating the renaissance of Dubai.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum listened to an explanation of the most prominent holdings of Al Maktoum House, which includes among its walls the ancient legacy of the ruling family in the Emirate of Dubai and the achievements of its men, and the most prominent historical events that Dubai witnessed during the past decades. The house also contains the history of the rulers of Dubai in the century Nineteenth, and their most prominent decisions, and the important historical events associated with them, as the house is full of rich information and human stories.

Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of the Culture and Arts Authority in Dubai, and a member of the Dubai Council, stressed the importance of the role of the Shindagha Museum in preserving heritage, pointing out that the cultural heritage is the cornerstone of building any civilization, and she said, “We feel in the Shindagha Museum the spirit of Ambitious Dubai in all its details, and this historical edifice documents stories of success and achievements in the Dubai march that was initiated by the late Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum, may God rest his soul. Bin Rashid Al Maktoum to the future.
Her Highness referred to the role of thoughtful contributors, researchers, historians, those interested in heritage and collectors, who contributed to enriching the museum’s content and content with what they presented of rare holdings and rich documents that embody our ancient past, and reflect our heritage, customs and traditions in the best way, and that they are the ones who delivered the supreme message of the Shindagha Museum with their solidarity and cohesion. Her Highness also praised the cooperation of officials, government agencies and their work teams who worked as one team to achieve this achievement until it turned into a tangible reality.
The Shindagha Museum stands tall in the heart of Shindagha in the Dubai Creek area, as the museum tells the emirate’s ancient history and authentic heritage.
Al Shindagha Museum reflects the traditional lifestyle that prevailed in Dubai from the mid-nineteenth century until the seventies of the twentieth century, as the museum tells a global story of human achievement, resilience and the desire for progress that contributed to building the city of Dubai as we see it today. The museum contains areas for investment that provide opportunities for service facilities and projects related to heritage and culture.
Visitors to the Shindagha Museum have the opportunity to discover exhibits that embody Dubai’s past through innovative exhibitions, events and specialized public educational programs that reflect Dubai’s endeavor to improve the cultural scene in the emirate, preserve heritage and introduce the public to it.
More than 100 members of the community participated in building the museum, which targets regarding one million visitors by 2025, who presented their belongings, stories and memories, as it is a museum from the community to the community. The museum’s collections sail into local memory, forming the cornerstone of Dubai’s vibrant historic district.
Al Shindagha Museum is the largest heritage museum in the UAE, as it includes 22 pavilions that contain more than 80 different historical houses, each of which reflects the development of Dubai and the UAE. The museum provides an opportunity to discover the history, culture and ancient heritage of the Emirate of Dubai through a collection of collections, exhibits, films and old photographs in an innovative interactive way.
The museum includes the “Dubai Creek: The Birth of a City” house, which gives its visitors the opportunity to navigate the history of Dubai, providing them with a special view of the city and its establishment and the features of its society on both banks of the creek. The house contains more than 150 historical artifacts, historical photographs and films of the Emirate of Dubai in the mid-20th century, telling the story of Dubai Creek.
Among the houses in the museum is the “Faith and Life” house, which provides a look at the beautiful human and social meanings of Islamic heritage, and shows how the Islamic religion enabled the members of the local community to preserve their heritage and identity.
The “Contemporary Dubai” house in the Shindagha Museum reviews the cultural, economic and historical factors that contributed to the development of Dubai, and focuses on the first growth boom that Dubai witnessed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and also sheds light on the civilizational development witnessed by the emirate.
The Shindagha Museum includes the “Perfume House”, which was previously the house of the late Sheikha Sheikha bint Saeed bin Maktoum Al Maktoum, and was chosen to be a perfume museum in honor of her and her passion for traditional Emirati perfumes.
The “Perfume House” reviews the culture of perfumes, their development, and their association with Dubai, and gives the visitor the opportunity to explore some of the ingredients used in the composition of Emirati perfumes, such as: mukhmariya, frankincense, frankincense, jasmine oil, camphor, and others.
The house presents a sensual and interactive presentation on the basic components of local perfumes, and includes more than 70 items, most notably a 3,000-year-old incense burner, which was discovered at the archaeological site of Saruq Al-Hadid in Dubai, along with a number of historical incense burners and perfume accessories, in addition to a “oud trunk”. It weighs 28 kilograms and is 1.2 meters long. It was gifted by Sheikha Sheikha Bint Saeed Al Maktoum, may God have mercy on her soul.
Visitors to the Shindagha Museum discover the “House of Traditional Crafts” regarding the lives of handicraftsmen in Dubai, and the house’s holdings highlight the ways adopted by the ancestors to harness nature’s resources to make products that suit their needs and daily lives. Here, visitors can learn to embroider, “talli,” or use the loom.
The “House of Adornment and Beauty” provides a rich experience for its visitors, as it presents different models of the Emirati national dress, as part of the national identity, as well as a review of the Emirati women’s adornment methods and the tools that were and still are used to preserve their beauty.
The House of Traditional Jewelry within the Shindagha Museum displays a wide variety of jewelry made of precious metals, precious stones and pearls, with the aim of introducing visitors to the place of jewelry in the local culture, its history, types and various designs inspired by the core of the local environment.

Among the houses included in the museum is the “Traditional Medicine” house, which provides an overview of the history of folk medicine, the development of its methods locally, and the uses of herbs and medicinal plants. The house displays a model for the first pharmacy in Dubai, and another model for Al Maktoum Hospital, which opened in the fifties of the last century.
The “Children’s House” re-explains the topics covered by the Shindagha Museum in a smooth and simple manner, as it works to provide its young visitors with a set of individual and group experiences that are presented through practical and intellectual training methodologies.
The Heritage Center for Traditional Handicrafts provides an educational space dedicated to the local cultural heritage.
The Heritage Center for Traditional Handicrafts is full of a range of traditional courses and workshops that it offers with the aim of spreading the culture of handicrafts among the segments of society, through which it seeks to pass on the secrets of the talli craft, wicker weaving, burqa loan, silversmithing, dukhoon industry, and the craft of sewing clothes to future generations.
The “Marine Life” pavilion at Al Shindagha Museum is full of a set of visual and audio experiences, through which it reveals the details of the story of Dubai’s connection to the sea, and its rich and diverse marine environment dating back regarding 7 thousand years.
The “Marine Life” pavilion presents an integrated account of Dubai’s relationship with the sea and its influences on the emirate’s history and community memory.
The “Marine Life” pavilion displays Dubai’s rich marine environment, the types of marine life and fish that live in it, and traditional fishing methods, as well as a review of maritime trade lines, as Dubai was and still is a major station for global trade due to its distinctive geographical location.
The “Marine Life” pavilion provides a comprehensive overview of the pearl trade in the emirate in the past, and shows the importance of the role it played in shaping Dubai’s economy. Excursions, and associated folk songs, customs and traditions.
It is a space designed to host gatherings, conferences, events and temporary exhibitions, and also highlights Dubai’s renaissance and development.
The Shindagha Museum also includes the “Environment and Society” house, which reviews the nature of ancient life in the Emirates and how its residents were able to deal with the nature of the environment and adapt with it.
The House of Popular Food provides a glimpse into the customs, traditions and methods of the people of Dubai in preparing food items, as the pavilion introduces its visitors to the stories behind the famous Emirati dishes.
The House of Poetry informs visitors of the Shindagha Museum of the place of Arabic and popular poetry in the local culture, and provides them with a glimpse into the history of poetry in the UAE and the region through a dynamic and inspiring exhibition that demonstrates the importance of poetry in Emirati life, and sheds light on the way in which poetry highlighted many important political issues. social, financial, and even personal.

Abdel Nasser Menem



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