A dangerous helicopter jump shocks Spanish television

Does anyone remember “Robinson Expedition”? A survival reality show hosted by Julián Wich that ended in 2001. A kind of revival of the format is generating controversy in Spain. It is regarding «Survivors 2023: No Man’s Land» which premiered its new edition last Thursday and this Sunday experienced a tough debate on Spanish television.

One of the most exciting moments is the contestants falling into the water from a helicopter. The maneuver, due to the risk it implies, has been well rehearsed. Besides the participants are advised by the program team on how to do it so that there are no security problems.

What was seen yesterday is that the aristocrat Bosco Blach Martínez-Bordiú did not follow the rules of the program. Instead of crossing his hands over his shoulders and falling straight He did a pirouette in the air before falling into the water. The young man was completely unharmed.

For this risky maneuver, the production of the program decided to apply a sanction. He was trying to go down in history as the participant who jumped from the top. He might not do it and by doing the aerial somersault he exposed himself to being reprimanded. Obviously he did not measure the consequences of his actions because he went down in history for the reprisals he received for his risky conduct. A perfect but forbidden.

The moment when Bosco did the pirouette in the air before falling into the sea. Photo courtesy.

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