For those suffering from hair loss, you need 4 nutrients

Hair loss is a common suffering that leaves a psychological imprint on some people, especially women, whose options for styling it the way they want are dwindling.

There are many causes of hair loss, some of which are preventable, and there are potential treatments such as growth supplements and stimulating products that are applied directly to the scalp.

But these treatments may cost a lot of money, while there are other methods that depend on diet, according to what microbiologist and trichologist Dominique Borg points out, by including foods containing certain natural ingredients in meals daily.

Borg says to the site, “She FindsHair loss may be caused by a health or nutritional imbalance, indicating that hair is often the first to be affected by this.

Suggested foods include:


Zinc helps to enhance the strength of hair, especially weak strands, and is found in oysters and red meat, which are also important foods for strengthening the back.

But animal protein is not suitable for those who follow a certain diet, and Burg advises increasing vegetable intake for those who do not eat meat, to maintain an adequate amount of zinc in the body.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, found in foods such as fish, egg yolks, and red meat, helps boost hair strength by stimulating growth from the roots, and repairs damage to hair.

Vitamin D is also available in soy milk and mushrooms, as these foods lead to the development of hair roots and make them healthier.

The article notes that positive changes cannot be expected overnight when consuming any of these nutrients, “but you may feel results in the luster and strength of your hair in just a few weeks, with a healthy, balanced diet.”

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is one of the best nutrients for stronger hair.

“Vitamin B helps support energy production needed for hair growth as well as other important metabolic functions, such as regeneration of neurotransmitters affected by stress,” Borg explains.

Vitamin B is found in meat as well, but nuts will be the best option for those who follow a vegetarian diet.

Borg advises that a supplement containing vitamins D and B can be taken, following consultation with a healthcare professional.

Vitamin E

Eating foods high in this vitamin is “a great way to boost the strength of hair, especially for thinning hair,” according to experts.

Vitamin E is found in nuts, especially almonds, which gives thick and silky hair.

Borg recommends adding almonds to your oatmeal in the morning to boost metabolism.

“After prioritizing these nutrients in your diet, you can expect to see changes in the speed of your hair growth within several months with significantly reduced shedding,” he adds.



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