Creation of an institute to train public and private decision-makers in the “one health” approach

On the occasion of the International Agricultural Show, Marc Fesneau, Minister for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, and Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate to of the Minister of Health and Prevention in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, announced the creation of the One Health Institute. This institute aims to become the benchmark organization for the training and expertise of decision-makers on “one health” issues in France.

The relationships between human health, the health of domestic and wild animals, the health of plants and the environment are intimately linked, as the COVID-19 health crisis has forcefully reminded us. Commonly called “one health” or “one health”, this global and cross-cutting approach is still too little known today and integrated into business strategy but also within the public service.

For this reason, the Ministries in charge of Agriculture, Health and Ecology supported – within the framework of the MIE-MN acceleration strategy [1] of France 2023 – the creation of a “One Health Institute” called to become the reference organization for the training and awareness of public and private decision-makers in the “one health” approach. Backed by the EID@Lyon University Research School and supported by Lyon 1 University, the institute will rely on an innovative catalog of training courses, both interdisciplinary and intersectoral, offered by 3 major schools: VetAgro Sup, in in particular its internal school ENSV-FVI [2], AgroParisTech and the EHESP [3]in the spirit of “one health”.

At the crossroads of human medicine, veterinary medicine, environmental sciences and social sciences, this training should enable public and private decision-makers to better prevent and manage future crises.

Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, says:

“The pursuit of bringing together the actors involved in human health, animal health and environmental protection is an important objective of my ministry. It is an interdisciplinary approach that we touch every day and which demonstrates the importance of building bridges between actors to respond to global issues that will help us collectively build more effective public policies in the field of health. The launch of this One Health Institute represents a momentum on which we have a duty to rely to move forward further. »

Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, indicates:

“Because the quality of the environment around us and the health of the animals we live with directly condition our health, it is essential to adopt a global vision of these issues. This is what the “One health” approach proposes, in connection with the national health-environment plan carried out by the Government. Also, I hope that this new institute will actively contribute to raising awareness and training the country’s decision-makers, so that they fully integrate these issues into their future actions, and thus contribute to achieving a healthier world. »

Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions adds:

“The environment is today the second concern of the French. Indeed, while we are already able to demonstrate our method, the concrete results that we are committing to are not known to everyone. It is collectively that we must build the “One health” method and the institution that we are creating today aims to inspire the greatest number of decision-makers in our country with the principles and methods of “One health” action. “. »

Contacts presse

Press office of Marc Fesneau

01 49 55 59 74

[email protected]

Press Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

01 49 55 60 11

[email protected]

Press service of Agnès Firmin Le Bodo

01 40 56 85 17

[email protected]

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