The solution to eliminate the smell of dog at home: practical tips

modern life

A list of tips might help deal with odors left in the home by the presence of pets.


Having dogs at home is one of the most beautiful and significant details for some people, due to the company, affection and loyalty that is generated. Pets can be fundamental to the life of the human being, taking into account the protection, help and love they represent.

However, the presence of animals in the home can lead to the development of a specific odor, as mentioned by the portal Tips Guide. Although it is not regarding hygiene or care, it is normal for the dog’s mood to permeate certain areas of the house or apartment.

Before this problem’, Tips Guide took the opportunity to give specific recommendations through home tricks, which might root out this dog smell. The tips are practical and simple, cleaning and refreshing the environment in which animals also live.

In the same way, you can also mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide, a tablespoon of dish soap and a cup of baking soda. Stir everything and soak a clean cotton pad to carefully clean the surfaces that have this smell.

Vinegar with Baking Soda:

This remedy is quite easy to prepare, since only four tablespoons of baking soda, two cups of lukewarm water and two cups of white vinegar are needed. It is located in a spray bottle and is used in the desired areas of the house.

This dynamic is carried out for a couple of days and the effects will be good.

This idea goes hand in hand with how easy it is to obtain a purifier and have the financial resources, since it is not very cheap. The object is located somewhere in the house and the change will be noticeable in the environment.

One of the situations that generates the smell of dog in the house is that the pet urinates on the floor. According to the portal Animal Store of Spain, a natural, safe and effective method with antifungal and antibacterial power to remove it is lemon. Its citrus aroma fights the smell of urine and works as a repellent, preventing dogs from urinating once more.

To prepare this homemade solution, mix 100 milliliters of squeezed lemon with 50 milliliters of water and two tablespoons of baking soda. The area is sprayed and left to act for half an hour, then rinsed, preventing the animal from having contact with that space.

Tips Guide He did not neglect the fact of bathing the dogs at each respective time, since when they got wet or dirty they developed that humor in their legs and body. Hygiene is vital for the animal to be stable and free of damage to its fur.

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