Niger in the spotlight at fespaco: The film sent from God by Amina Mamani Abdoulaye won 4 prizes and a special mention.

The film sent from god by Nigerien Amina Mamani Abdoulaye won an award at fespaco.

In a tweet, the President of the Republic, Mohamed Bazoum said: “I extend my congratulations and my encouragement to Amina Abdoulaye Mamani who has just won 4 prizes and a Special Mention at FESPACO. It is the consecration of a beautiful film work “the envoy of God” and the ardor at work that honors Niger.
We note among the prizes obtained by our compatriot, the UEMOA Prize for the best short film worth 500,000.

2. Lonab Luck Prize worth 5 million
3. Prize of the Burkina Faso Niger Episcopal Conference worth 2 million
4. Gambere Ernest Special Prize worth 200,000 FCFA
5. And a special mention of the cartel council.

Here is the official list of special prizes:
Laafi la Boumbou prize worth 5,000,000 FCFA: “Sira on the road” by Malian Fousseyni Maïga Prize of the Burkina-Niger episcopal conference worth 2,000,000 FCFA:

“God send” by Nigerian director Amina Abdoulaye Mamani
GAMBERE ERNEST special prize worth 2000 000 FCFA: “God’s send” by Nigerian Amina Abdoulaye Mamani Special Thomas Sankara Prize worth 3000 000 FCFA: “Cuba in Africa” by the Ethiopian Negash Abdurahman WATERAID Special Prize “climate, water and sanitation in Africa” worth 5000 000 FCFA:

“The Road” of the Burkinabe Appoline Traoré
Ababacar Samb Makharam Prize from the city of Ouagadougou worth 3000 000FCFA “Al Djanat, original paradise” by Franco-Burkinabe director Aïcha Chloé Boro Prize for African critics Paulin Soumanou Vieyra: Mami wata by Nigerian CJ FIERY OBASI Sambène Ousmane Prize from the Ecobank Foundation worth 5,000,000 FCFA: “Planting Planters”

Luck prize awarded by the LONAB worth 5,000,000: “The envoy of God” by Nigerian Amina Abdoulaye Mamani Special PLAN international prize for equality for girls for combativeness and innovation in favor of girls in a value of 5000 0000 : “The plantation of the planters”

Félix Houphouët-Boigny Prize from the cartel council worth 10 000 000 FCFA: “The Road” by Appoline Traoré
UEMOA Special Prize *Fiction feature film 8000 000 FCFA: “Xalé, the wounds of childhood” by Senegalese Moussa Sène Absa *Short fiction film 5000 000 FCFA: “Sent from God” by Amina Abdoulaye Mamani *Documentary feature film 8000 000 : “Al Djanat, original paradise” by Franco-Burkinabe director Aïcha Chloé Boro *Short documentary film 5000 000 :

les cavaliers de Tounka ECOWAS Special Awards *Best Integration Film 15 000 000 “No U turn” by Nigerian Ike Nnaebue *Best Director 10 000 000 FCFA: Appoline Traoré from Burkina *Best youngest director of school films 2,000,000 FCFA Mohamed Alabi from Benin *Best youngest actress 1,000,000 Guisali Barry from Senegal for “Xalé, the wounds of childhood” Special Prize of the Transitional Legislative Assembly 7,000,000 FCFA: “Sira” by Appoline Traoré
African television series section

First prize television series 2,000,000 FCFA: Obatanga by Alex Ogou from Côte d’Ivoire Second prize television series 1,000,000 FCFA “from further and further”
Section film d’animation

First short film prize 3,000,000 FCFA: Nadia Rey from Tunisia
First prize series 2,000,000 FCFA: “Paya and Koulou”

School films section

First prize 2,000,000: “Whose fault?” Ramatoulaye Bah from Guinea
Second prize 1,000,000 FCFA: “in the footsteps of my ancestors” Ivory Coast
Special prize for the promotion of the Burkinabe cinema industry Aboubacar Zida known as Sidnaba worth 2,000,000 FCFA: “the Samory affair” by Boubacar Diallo

Paul Robeson Special Prize for Diaspora Films worth FCFA 2,000,000: Agwe du Haitien by Samuel Frantz Suffren



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