Aruküla kindergarten got a new logo for its 40th birthday

The new logo of Aruküla kindergarten

On February 24, the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, 40 years have passed since the opening of Aruküla kindergarten. To celebrate this, there were birthday events at Rukkillille kindergarten all last week, and the kindergarten’s new logo was introduced. In addition to the cornflower, the new logo also has children – a boy and a girl.

„Soo­vi­si­me lo­go muu­ta na­tu­ke las­te­pä­ra­se­maks,“ sõ­nas Ruk­ki­lil­le di­rek­tor Mar­ju Män­nik­saar.

The author of the new logo is Kairit Leima OÜ from Decotahvel.

On Monday, the exhibition of joint works of groups “Good wishes for the kindergarten’s 40th birthday” was opened in the kindergarten. The exhibition featured drawings, maps and crafts made as group work. As the theme of the kindergarten’s educational work this year is “Being more aware of feelings”, Tiina Tiitus’ training on feelings was held for the kindergarten staff on Tuesday as part of the birthday. On Wednesday, there was a festive event for the children, the Estonian national anthem and a kindergarten song were sung. The Karukella group, where preschoolers study, gave the performance “Scandal in the Wardrobe”. Kindergarten teachers and other employees took a group picture with the new shirts they received the day before, which has the kindergarten’s new logo.

The director MARJU MÄNNIKSAAR cut open the Aruküla kindergarten’s 40th birthday cake, with the kindergarten’s new logo in the middle. Photo by Ingrid Kuusk

On Thursday, there was a concert-act in the kindergarten for employees and invited guests. Preschool children performed songs, dances and poems. Congratulating the kindergarten, Raasik municipality head Raul Siem, together with the head of the education and culture department Kairi Burnasheva, gave a letter of thanks from the municipality government and flowers to the employees who have worked at Aruküla kindergarten for at least 25 years. They are Ene Hert, Helve Teino, Ludmilla Teino, Anžella Veelmaa, Anu Heinloo, Aino Suursaar and Lehte Mihelson. Director Marju Männiksaar recognized another 16 employees who have worked at Rukkilill for 10-25 years with a letter of thanks.

All those who received a letter of thanks were given a kindergarten memento – a flower-themed memento with children with flowers on the cards. The Rukkilill kindergarten groups are named following these flowers. There are also pairs of cards with a cornflower and a similar boy and one with a girl, as in the kindergarten’s new logo. The idea of ​​the game was proposed by the kindergarten director, the cards were designed by Kairit Leima OÜ on Decotahvel.

Aruküla Kindergarten Rukkilill was opened on February 24, 1983 in a two-story building with 280 places completed according to the standard project, built by Harju KEK. Initially, a total of 226 children attended the daycare center in 9 groups. The number of children and groups has been very different over the years – the smallest number of groups in the kindergarten has been 4, following the addition completed last year, there have been 13 since September, of which 4 are nursery groups. A total of 244 children attend Rukkillille, and there are 56 employees.



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