Six million trees will be planted in memory of the victims of the Shoah

On March 1 and 2, Gustavo Guillermé, President of the World Congress of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue, “A path towards peace”, presented the Project 2023-2045 for peace, which seeks commemorate the victims of the Holocaust through the planting of six million trees Worldwide.

The event took place in the Ben Shemen forest (Israel), located 45 kilometers from Jerusalem, and was chosen for being the Argentinian-Israeli friendship park. The project, which bears the name “A Path to Peace in Memory of the Victims of the Shoah“, is carried out with the aim of commemorate the end of the Holocaust (whose Hebrew term is “Shoah”) and those who lost their lives in the genocide.

Guillermé coordinated the initiative with the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, the Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael Foundation (KKL) and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The measure consists of planting of six million trees on all continents and it is expected that its completion will be in 2045, thus coinciding with the centenary of the end of the Holocaust.

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In that sense, the MPAs, one of the most recognized Jewish organizations worldwide, focuses, among other things, on reforestation and education. For his part, he Centro Simon Wisenthal It is a Hebrew institution that is in charge of documenting the victims of the Holocaust and keeping records of Nazi war crimes.

In addition, in this first stage of the project, Guillermé was supported by members of the Church of Scientology from Argentina, Europe, Italy and Israel, who dedicated the initiative to its founder L. Ron Hubbard as they considered it “aligns perfectly with his legacy”.

During the days they carried out different activities, which included planting young trees; a visit to the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) organized by Danny Danon, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations; a guided tour of the Yad Vashem memorial, and the unveiling of a plaque in the forest.

The project consists of planting six million trees around the world.

The delegation was made up of Gustavo Guillermé, President of the World Congress of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue; Gustavo Libardi, President of the Church of Scientology Argentina; Jetmira Crémonesi, European Representative of the Office of L. Ron Hubbard, and Iván Arjona, President of the European Office for Public Affairs and Human Rights. In addition, local representatives of Scientology in Israel and parishioners from Argentina, Belgium and Israel participated, to which was added the support of the Italian Association for Tolerance and Human Rights.

After fourteen months we are here inaugurating our first forest, in this case the forest of the American Continent chapter. We are in Israel, in the Holy Land, beginning this long journey that will be from 2023 to 2045, when the centenary of the aberrant Shoah will be fulfilled. I think that honoring life, which is what a tree represents, for us is humbly representing the life of each one of them,” Guillermé said at the ceremony.

Photos: World Congress for Interreligious and Intellectual Dialogue

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