Roger Köppel announces his resignation

Federal Coffee

The ghost of Köppelville explains his resignation – unfortunately not well enough

A resignation is in itself something simple. For example the brake on the rear wheel of the military bike. It gets complicated in the Federal Palace: The resignation has to be explained there. Sometimes that goes wrong.

Image: Peter Klaunzer / KEYSTONE

Roger Köppel, the “crassestly elected” member of the National Council since the invention of political science, has announced his resignation. He will no longer stand in the autumn elections. Unfortunately, he didn’t do that well enough: the mainstream media didn’t get him.

Instead of writing what he wanted, namely that he feared conflicts of interest as a national councilor because of his professional activities – did he open a “Weltwoche” branch office in Moscow? – the independent media wrote that his SVP was happy that he was leaving.

Köppel therefore declared his resignation once more at an event on Saturday. It took him a whole hour. The audience understood him and applauded. However, it was the same audience that also understands Köppel when he prophesies that Putin is waging a war of self-defense in Ukraine.

Which leads us to the question: What does the Federal Palace lose with Roger Köppel? Oscar Wilde provides the answer with The Canterville Ghost. The poltergeist that tries unsuccessfully to scare the family that lives in the castle with bloodstains or thunderbolts.

The pragmatic family reacts with tips that the ghost should oil its chains once morest the noise, a child throws pillows at it. Only when the daughter, Virginia, sheds a tear of pity is the spirit released and the spook is over.

Apparently, Roger Köppel is now looking for his Virginia outside of the Federal Palace.


Thomas Käser

Yes, only gossip! Now 100% unanimous mainstream once more, without counter-speech, like in the days of the Berset Corona mood tunnel. It’s much more coherent when everyone agrees and pats each other on the back.

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Alfred Schwarzenbach

The ghost of Köppelville – so funny! Perhaps it was more like the dance of the vampires in the National Council and for Köppel it is the last chance to escape.

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