Béatrice has both legs amputated after the attacks in Brussels: “Horse riding and my horses brought me back to life”

On March 22, 2016, Béatrice was in line at the airport to catch a plane to the United States. She is a few meters from one of the terrorists. Wounded, Béatrice is a miracle: “I saw other people, who were right next to me, being picked up, and not me”she recalls. “I heard other people screaming. I thought I should do it too, so I started screaming. I saw a firefighter, who was putting out the flames. He saw me, he called other people who came to pick me up“, says Beatrice.

Exactly two years following the attack, Béatrice climbs, in a wheelchair, on the platform set up in the hall of Brussels airport for the commemorations. Both legs amputated, she finds the strength to stand on her prostheses. At the microphone, Béatrice addresses the terrorists: “We are here to prove that we are stronger than hate. We can show the world that we are all survivors.”

Placed in an artificial coma, she underwent a dozen operations. She then embarks on a long and difficult rehabilitation. Aged 18 at the time, the young girl showed exceptional strength of character. “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time“, she believes, her throat knotted. Today, she is no longer angry: “I was a little bit, and then I realized it was useless“.

Horseback riding to survive

His driving force is horse riding. His goal: one day to participate in the Paralympic Games. Throughout these years, Béatrice trained. Dressage becomes his reason for living: “Horseback riding and my horses brought me back to life. Without my mare Didi, I wouldn’t be here. I might never have survived what I went through in 2016

If Béatrice realizes her Olympic dream, she does not forget the attacks. 6 years following the events, she regrets the support for the victims from the Belgian authorities. She hopes one day to bereally happy” and beat his depression. If all his wounds are not healed, his speech always wants to be turned towards the future: “With a little courage and hope, we can do wonders“.



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